by Proverbial Psalms » Thu Nov 16, 2006 2:48 pm
[quote:031ce9d959="Wineman"]We'll take our lumps and keep our integrity[/quote:031ce9d959]
This essentially is a backhanded way to say...
(a) you believe things were handled, by petrosian, without integrity... which I cannot understand based on his explanation...
(b) that despite the seeemingly polite congrats to petrosian for a competitive squad, you're still saying, in a somewhat subtle way (but maybe not so subtle to me), that you really only lost because of this issue
I say this because when you bring together the two points... "take lumps", along with "keep integrity" like you did, are you really saying "not in this case, but rather in OTHER cases this has occured"... or are you saying "petro cheated us, but we hold our heads up"... the question is to you.