USKL3 chat thread

Postby the splinter » Fri Jun 05, 2009 8:52 pm

watts...check PM
the splinter
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Postby qksilver69 » Fri Jun 05, 2009 10:09 pm

I sent one too Watts.
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Trade announcement

Postby the splinter » Sat Jun 06, 2009 1:33 pm

Watts and Splinter

Splinters sends D. Sarfate P(BAL) and B. Anderson P(OAK)

Watts sends 3rd rd supplemental pick

Watts to confirm
the splinter
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Postby mwatson392 » Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:03 pm

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Re: Trade announcement

Postby Ninersphan » Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:37 pm

[quote:4371bf6759="the splinter"]Watts and Splinter

Splinters sends D. Sarfate P(BAL) and B. Anderson P(OAK)

Watts sends 3rd rd supplemental pick

Watts to confirm[/quote:4371bf6759]

I have no problem with this trade but splinter might now.

Neither of the 2 proxies he left me are eligible to be drafted so he may change his mind.

I don't think he should mind you, but it may influence his decision none-the-less.
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Re: Trade announcement

Postby cshannajr » Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:58 pm

[quote:e20c652677="Ninersphan"][quote:e20c652677="the splinter"]Watts and Splinter

Splinters sends D. Sarfate P(BAL) and B. Anderson P(OAK)

Watts sends 3rd rd supplemental pick

Watts to confirm[/quote:e20c652677]

I have no problem with this trade but splinter might now.

Neither of the 2 proxies he left me are eligible to be drafted so he may change his mind.

I don't think he should mind you, but it may influence his decision none-the-less.[/quote:e20c652677]

So, now that Splinter has watts's pick, he will lose his own 3rd rounder since he already picked twice and you are only permitted 3 picks in the supp draft, correct? And Bill, since you told me that I couldn't offer a trade to watts because he lost his rights to his 4th pick when the draft began, he does not have a 3rd round at all. Is that also correct? Just trying to figure out the nuances of the supp draft. :?
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Re: Trade announcement

Postby Ninersphan » Sat Jun 06, 2009 9:17 pm

[quote="cshannajr"][quote:42c912c24b="Ninersphan"][quote:42c912c24b="the splinter"]Watts and Splinter

Splinters sends D. Sarfate P(BAL) and B. Anderson P(OAK)

Watts sends 3rd rd supplemental pick

Watts to confirm[/quote:42c912c24b]

I have no problem with this trade but splinter might now.

Neither of the 2 proxies he left me are eligible to be drafted so he may change his mind.

I don't think he should mind you, but it may influence his decision none-the-less.[/quote:42c912c24b]

So, now that Splinter has watts's pick, [b:42c912c24b]he will lose his own 3rd rounder since he already picked twice and you are only permitted 3 picks in the supp draft, correct? [/b:42c912c24b]


And Bill, since you told me that I couldn't offer a trade to watts because he lost his rights to his 4th pick when the draft began, [b:42c912c24b]he does not have a 3rd round at all. Is that also correct?[/b:42c912c24b]

I'm not sure what you mean.... if you mean does watts [b:42c912c24b]not [/b:42c912c24b]get a 3rd round pick after trading the ONLY 3rd rounder he had, which was originally cshannajr's pick,

you are also correct.

Watts would be all done. and splinter would only have watts'(originally cshannajr's) pick.

Just trying to figure out the nuances of the supp draft. :?
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Postby cshannajr » Sun Jun 07, 2009 7:57 am

Okay...I think I might be getting it. 8-)
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I know there are only a few picks left but...

Postby Ninersphan » Sun Jun 07, 2009 10:19 am

Just to clear up some confusion on who is eligible to be drafted in the Supplmental player draft.

Only players that were eligible duting the Spring player draft are eligible for the Supplemental draft.

Those players are:
Any player with any amout of service time prior to the start of the current (in this case 2009) MLB actual season.
Therefore rookies who have been called up during the current (again 2009) are [b:d4030df263]NOT[/b:d4030df263] eligible to be drafted in the Supplemental draft.
They (the called up rookies) [b:d4030df263]will be eligible [/b:d4030df263]in the upcoming Summer prospect draft however provided they meet 2 criteria:

1. They must have no MLB expierience prior to the start of the current (2009) MLB season

2. They must not already be on a USKL 3 roster as either a prospect or member of the 40 team.

I hope this helps clear some of this up.

Also, I will be reworking the wording of the Supplemental Draft Rules in an attempt to make them less confusing and allow for a little more flexibilty in trading them. I will submit the reworked rules and have you all look them over and ask questions to make sure we are all clear.

For those in NAKL I will be doing the same thing there as well.
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Postby the splinter » Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:12 am

Watts I have a work around solution...check PM please
the splinter
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