USKL3 chat thread

Postby the splinter » Sun Jan 31, 2010 9:30 pm

there are still offers out there..lets keep an open dialoge!!!
the splinter
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Re: another deal with Chuck

Postby Ninersphan » Sun Jan 31, 2010 9:41 pm

[quote:ac59546ee5="qksilver"]Chuck gets:

Papelbon, Hardy, Vin Mazzaro, my 5th round FA pick (#58) this year

Qk gets:

N Morgan, Frasor, Chuck's 7th round (#77) FA pick

Chuck to confirm.[/quote:ac59546ee5]

This one is all good, not drops or promotions required and it leaves both parties at 39

WHEW BUSY night :shock:

Why does this ALWAYS happen right after I send out roster sheets :cry: :? :shock:
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Postby mwatson392 » Sun Jan 31, 2010 10:02 pm

i cut moss!
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Re: cut

Postby Ninersphan » Sun Jan 31, 2010 10:18 pm

[quote:134768636d="watts141"]i cut moss![/quote:134768636d]

so is it safe???

can I leave my computer now??

have you guys all had your fun for the night???

that goes down as the busiest day in league office history?!?!

we had on other day, 4/15/09 that had this many trades, but not as many bodies moving...

keep it up guys and I'll send you all the bill for my carpal tunnel treatments. :D :wink:
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Postby Ninersphan » Sun Jan 31, 2010 10:45 pm

Okay I'm gonna post this here too, so everyone can help me expalin it. Chuck is a little confused as to what some of us call "The Fowldog Corallary" I haven't used that title because most of you aren't in USKL where it originated, but as per our league rules:

Rule 8 under General rules states:

8[i:b2cd6e2abe]) You cannot trade draft choices that you do not own. This means that if you trade a 9th round draft pick, you must release as many players as necessary to insure that you will have a 9th round pick. For example, you have a 40 man roster, and you have acquired an extra 2nd, 3rd, and 6th round draft picks during the year. You have also traded away a 7th and 9th round draft pick. This means you must release at least 12 players prior to the draft to insure that you will have a 9th round pick. If you plan to continue drafting beyond Round 9 you will have to release an additional player for each subsequent round. You cannot drop more than 15 players.

So in chuck's case:

He has 39 players so

2 picks in rnd 1 = 1 cut = 2 slots open
2 picks in rnd 2 = 2 cuts = 4 slots open
2 picks in rnd 3 = 2 cuts = 6 slots open
2 picks in rnd 4 = 2 cuts = 8 slots open
2 picks in rnd 5 = 2 cuts = 10 slots open
0 picks in rnd 6 = 0 cuts = 10 slots open
0 picks in rnd 7 = 0 cuts = 10 slots open
1 pick in rnd 8 = 1 cut = 11 slots open
1 pick in rnd 9 = 1 cut = 12 slots open
[u:b2cd6e2abe]traded 1 pick in rd 10 = 1 cut = 13 slots open [/u:b2cd6e2abe]

12 picks and 12 cuts [b:b2cd6e2abe]which[/b:b2cd6e2abe] leaves 1 slot open soooo

1 pick in 11th round = 0 cut to fill last open slot.

Does it make sense to all of you?? if it does or doesn't LMK, I've tried and tried to explain it, but not sure i'm doing it very well.
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Postby blsmith7 » Mon Feb 01, 2010 12:21 am

Since the floodgates have opened, and I had no luck with Chuck, I'll just throw out some attractive names that I'd be willing to move in the right deal:


...and more!!!

looking for mainly SP and/or draft picks in return.
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A word of thanks...

Postby Ninersphan » Mon Feb 01, 2010 8:46 am

Just want to take a minute to thank of all of you for making this league so enjoyable for me. Please know that when I grouse a liitle about having to do the bookkeeping, it's all in jest and meant in good humor. I'm truly glad to be a part of a league that is so active and dynamic. I'm sure we've all been part of leagues either here in Strat land or fantasy, where the opposite is the norm and I'm sure I speak for most of you in saying that those leagues get rather boring rather quickly, that is certainly not the case here. So again before things get crazy with the new season fast approaching I just want to say thanks for making this league what it is, and thus making it enjoyable for me. I sincerly hope you all feel the same way, and I assume your level of participation speaks to your level of enjoyment. So thanks again.

The commish :D
Last edited by Ninersphan on Mon Feb 01, 2010 1:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby blsmith7 » Mon Feb 01, 2010 1:08 pm

Well Commish,

Speaking for myself, it is largely because of your responsiveness (in updating rosters, et al.) and communication that this league is so great. I think I can speak for all of us however, when I say - "No, thank you!"

Now, let's keep the man on his toes and get some more trades going.

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Postby kaviksdad » Mon Feb 01, 2010 1:39 pm

Now that it appears everyone is back and paying attention I'll throw this out again.

I have the following that could be moved:

Chris Snyder - C
Kelly Johnson - 2B
Alexi Casilla - INF
Raul Ibanez - LF/DH
David Dejesus - OF
Jeramine Dye - RF/DH
Travis Hafner - 1B/DH
Brandon Morrow - SP/RP
John Lackey - SP
John Lannan - SP

We could also talk about higher end talent too. Don't want to miss out on this "keep Niners busy" action.

Also, the easiest thing to remember about the "Fowldawg Corollary" simply:

You cannot trade picks you don't have. To trade a 10th round pick you better make sure you have a 10th round pick. You do that by bringing your roster down to the point where it happens.
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Postby Ninersphan » Mon Feb 01, 2010 9:24 pm

Okay, I've sent 3 seperate e-mail, 1 each to:


all 3 have yahoo accounts and all 3 keep bouncing my e-mail to them back with an arroe message.

I'm trying to find out if all 3 are bad or just one of the 3...

so if you guys could let me know if you get the e-mail or not that would be great.

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