[quote:5ac22c61d7="bascum"]1 - newbie love (geekor) - Mazersomthingoranother - 2b .66 mil
2 - Nine Inch Nails (Palanion) - Dayley, RP
3 - Treasures (Bobby) -Worthington, RP
4 - Marauditors (bascum) - J Tudor LHSP 0.50mil
5 - chefs (bunze0) - beggs-rp
6 - Suns (sunsportsguy19) -
7 - Schmoes - (tomwistar) -
8 - Saloon (Frank Bailey) -
9 - Boss (boss_of_um) -
10 - Orz'z (TimOrz)
11 - Hornets (horntsnest) -
12 - Germaniacs - (Munich_Man) -
We have no trouble commiting to multiple seasons in the future, as I have stated before I think it would be a great idea especialy if we were to standardize the rules (future discussion). Even if a few owners drop out as the seasons go by they can be replaced as we have done in the past. There is a great core of owners here and it is a privelage and a pleasure to compete with all of you!