by Palanion » Thu Dec 29, 2005 7:34 pm
We are still waiting to here from Murphy about his keepers.
Then I think we can probably start the stealing right after. I would like to give Murphy as much time as possible to get his keepers in, since he does not use the forums, it's hard to track him down. However, I have posted in the ATG forum that we need him, and no word as of yet. So, I am thinking that if we don't here from him by the middle of next week (time to get past the holidays if he was away), we may want to find a replacement. If anybody disagrees with this notion, let me know.
Again, there will be no clock on the steal round, when it occurs.
I will be incommunicado as well for much of this weekend. I will be gone from about 4 p.m. Friday to noon on Sunday.
Though I may post again before leaving... just in case...
I hope you all have a wonderful New Year's weekend. May your resolutions hold firm, your teams win (when not playing me), and all your loved ones be all the riches you ever need...
though some extra $$ would be nice and all...
Rick, drink a couple extra real German brews for me.
Be safe traveling everyone.