by ADRIANGABRIEL » Thu Feb 10, 2011 4:20 pm
[quote:98d8ea431e="joekendall"]Research Randomizer Results
1 Set of 12 Unique Numbers Per Set
Range: From 1 to 12 -- Unsorted
Job Status:
Set #1:
11, 7, 4, 8, 5, 3, 2, 10, 9, 12, 1, 6
Research Randomizer Results
1 Set of 12 Unique Numbers Per Set
Range: From 1 to 122 -- Unsorted
Job Status:
Set #1:
99, 41, 85, 104, 7, 116, 45, 50, 62, 108, 56, 11[/quote:98d8ea431e]
The parks...
1 Adrian [b:98d8ea431e]99 Fulton Cnty Stdm '78[/b:98d8ea431e]
2 drfreeze49 [b:98d8ea431e]41 Braves Field '41[/b:98d8ea431e]
3 PillPop [b:98d8ea431e]85 Crosley Field '66[/b:98d8ea431e]
4 mrharryc [b:98d8ea431e]104 Municipal Stadium '78[/b:98d8ea431e]
5 rjoh [b:98d8ea431e]7 Dolphins Stadium '05[/b:98d8ea431e]
6 wrz25 [b:98d8ea431e]116 Muehlebach Fld (NeL)[/b:98d8ea431e]
7 PKB [b:98d8ea431e]45 Fenway Park '41[/b:98d8ea431e]
8 dharmabums [b:98d8ea431e]50 Wrigley Field '41[/b:98d8ea431e]
9 Rube [b:98d8ea431e]62 Briggs Stadium '57[/b:98d8ea431e]
10 bigmahon [b:98d8ea431e]108 Three Rivers Stdm '78[/b:98d8ea431e]
11 PJMB [b:98d8ea431e]56 Cleveland Stadium '51[/b:98d8ea431e]
12 jamesgang77 [b:98d8ea431e]11 Kauffman Stadium '05[/b:98d8ea431e]
99 Fulton Cnty Stdm '78 13 13 20 20
41 Braves Field '41 7 7 2 0
85 Crosley Field '66 13 18 19 19
104 Municipal Stadium '78 4 4 3 5
7 Dolphins Stadium '05 5 5 9 3
116 Muehlebach Fld (NeL) 8 8 3 3
45 Fenway Park '41 12 12 14 19
50 Wrigley Field '41 9 9 0 2
62 Briggs Stadium '57 14 14 19 16
108 Three Rivers Stdm '78 14 14 12 12
56 Cleveland Stadium '51 8 8 12 12
11 Kauffman Stadium '05 10 13 2 2
The order...
1 (11) PJMB [b:98d8ea431e]56 Cleveland Stadium '51[/b:98d8ea431e]
2 (7) PKB [b:98d8ea431e]45 Fenway Park '41[/b:98d8ea431e]
3 (4) mrharryc [b:98d8ea431e]104 Municipal Stadium '78[/b:98d8ea431e]
4 (8) dharmabums [b:98d8ea431e]50 Wrigley Field '41[/b:98d8ea431e]
5 (5) rjoh [b:98d8ea431e]7 Dolphins Stadium '05[/b:98d8ea431e]
6 (3) PillPop [b:98d8ea431e]85 Crosley Field '66[/b:98d8ea431e]
7 (2) drfreeze49 [b:98d8ea431e]41 Braves Field '41[/b:98d8ea431e]
8 (10) bigmahon [b:98d8ea431e]108 Three Rivers Stdm '78[/b:98d8ea431e]
9 (9) Rube [b:98d8ea431e]62 Briggs Stadium '57[/b:98d8ea431e]
10 (12) jamesgang77 [b:98d8ea431e]11 Kauffman Stadium '05[/b:98d8ea431e]
11 (1) Adrian [b:98d8ea431e]99 Fulton Cnty Stdm '78[/b:98d8ea431e]
12 (6) wrz25 [b:98d8ea431e]116 Muehlebach Fld (NeL)[/b:98d8ea431e]
1 Angels Stadium '05 5 8 8 8
2 Bank One Ballpark '05 11 11 13 13
3 Busch Stadium '05 5 11 6 6
4 Citizen's Bank Pk '05 9 14 15 15
5 Coors Field '05 19 19 15 15
6 Dodger Stadium '05 1 1 11 11
7 Dolphins Stadium '05 5 5 9 3
8 Fenway Park '05 14 14 4 10
9 Great Amer. Bpk '05 4 4 13 13
10 Jacobs Field '05 5 5 3 3
11 Kauffman Stadium '05 10 13 2 2
12 Metrodome '05 7 7 10 10
13 Miller Park '05 4 4 11 11
14 RFK Stadium '05 1 1 9 3
15 Rogers Centre '05 11 11 13 13
16 SAFECO Field '05 1 1 14 6
17 Tropicana Field '05 8 5 9 6
18 Turner Field '05 8 8 8 8
19 US Cellular Field '05 6 6 18 18
20 Wrigley Field '05 5 8 10 14
21 Yankee Stadium '05 7 7 10 10
22 Baker Bowl '11 19 6 19 19
23 Bennett Park '11 12 12 9 19
24 Comiskey Park '11 1 6 3 9
25 Griffith Stadium '11 5 5 19 5
26 Hilltop Park '11 17 12 1 19
27 Hunt. Ave. Grds '11 4 4 19 19
28 Palace of the Fns '11 15 7 2 2
29 Shibe Park '11 3 3 4 1
30 South End Grounds '11 3 3 17 19
31 Washington Park '11 4 1 2 2
32 West Side Park '11 7 7 7 2
33 Dunn Field '20 16 6 10 1
34 Ebbets Field '20 16 10 19 8
35 St. Louis '20 15 7 4 1
36 Griffith Stadium '24 9 7 0 0
37 League Park '24 13 6 4 1
38 Polo Grounds '24 1 3 15 15
39 League Park '34 15 11 16 2
40 Navin Field '34 9 12 2 4
41 Braves Field '41 7 7 2 0
42 Briggs Stadium '41 12 12 18 18
43 Comiskey Park '41 10 10 2 2
44 Crosley Field '41 11 11 2 2
45 Fenway Park '41 12 12 14 19
46 Forbes Field '41 10 10 2 2
47 League Park '41 10 10 9 3
48 Sportsman's Pk AL '41 7 7 20 6
49 Sportsman's Pk NL '41 8 8 20 6
50 Wrigley Field '41 9 9 0 2
51 Yankee Stadium '41 1 1 15 10
52 Fenway Park '46 12 11 8 17
53 Braves Field '48 9 9 2 2
54 Yankee Stadium '48 4 4 19 6
55 Shibe Park '50 9 7 3 14
56 Cleveland Stadium '51 8 8 12 12
57 Crosley Field '51 8 8 1 6
58 Forbes Field '54 5 16 1 1
59 Griffith Stadium '54 2 14 3 1
60 Comiskey Park '55 6 13 1 6
61 Ebbets Field '55 13 1 9 18
62 Briggs Stadium '57 14 14 19 16
63 Cleveland Stadium '57 1 8 8 16
64 Comiskey Park '57 6 6 4 4
65 Connie Mack Stdm '57 11 6 1 12
66 County Stadium '57 3 3 1 1
67 Fenway Park '57 16 19 10 10
68 Forbes Field '57 17 17 1 1
69 Memorial Stadium '57 7 3 1 1
70 Municipal Stadium '57 4 4 6 15
71 Polo Grounds '57 4 1 19 16
72 Sportsman's Park '57 7 7 12 6
73 Wrigley Field '57 4 8 7 12
74 Yankee Stadium '57 4 4 9 1
75 Comiskey Park '59 4 4 6 6
76 Memorial Stadium '59 1 1 7 7
77 Comiskey Park '60 12 9 1 7
78 Sportsman's Park '60 8 17 15 9
79 Cleveland Stadium '63 7 1 13 7
80 Wrigley Field '63 4 13 19 10
81 Connie Mack Stdm '64 12 3 1 8
82 Dodger Stadium '64 4 7 1 1
83 Forbes Field '65 18 8 1 1
84 Metropolitan Stdm '65 7 12 9 9
85 Crosley Field '66 13 18 19 19
86 Wrigley Field '66 5 9 13 13
87 Busch Stadium '67 11 11 9 9
88 Memorial Stadium '70 17 5 12 12
89 Fenway Park '71 13 19 9 17
90 Shea Stadium '71 3 3 19 4
91 Tiger Stadium '75 13 10 16 13
92 Veterans Stadium '75 10 10 10 10
93 Anaheim Stadium '78 12 12 9 9
94 Arlington Stadium '78 7 7 5 5
95 Candlestick Park '78 0 0 5 5
96 Comiskey Park '78 12 12 7 7
97 Dodger Stadium '78 9 9 12 12
98 Exhibition Stdm '78 11 11 9 9
99 Fulton Cnty Stdm '78 13 13 20 20
100 Jack Murphy Stdm'78 7 7 4 4
101 Kingdome '78 5 5 17 17
102 Memorial Stadium '78 4 4 4 4
103 Metropolitan Stdm '78 1 1 6 5
104 Municipal Stadium '78 4 4 3 5
105 Oakland Coliseum '78 4 4 9 9
106 Royals Stadium '78 14 14 3 3
107 Shea Stadium '78 4 4 7 7
108 Three Rivers Stdm '78 14 14 12 12
109 Tiger Stadium '78 10 7 19 16
110 Veterans Stadium '78 6 6 15 15
111 Wrigley Field '78 18 18 18 18
112 Yankee Stadium '78 1 1 15 8
113 Greenlee Field (NeL) 8 10 14 4
114 Griffith Stdm (NeL) 13 8 2 1
115 Martin Park (NeL) 2 2 1 2
116 Muehlebach Fld (NeL) 8 8 3 3
117 Rickwood Field (NeL) 2 1 5 2
118 Ruppert Stadium (NeL) 8 8 13 15
119 Stars Park (NeL) 16 19 12 19
120 Terrapin Park (NeL) 14 14 2 1
121 Washington Park (NeL) 17 10 1 4
122 Yankee Stadium (NeL) 3 2 13 8