KD had it right. Let's try to keep this thread for just the Draft to keep it clean as well. Thx.
[u:5fa62cf182][b:5fa62cf182]Round Two[/b:5fa62cf182][/u:5fa62cf182]
[b:5fa62cf182]1. Nythawk -
2. Nythawk (from Cummings) - [/b:5fa62cf182]
3. Kaviksdad -
4. Qksilver (from AFDickie) -
5. Fowldawg -
6. Sandlotshrink -
7. Qksilver -
8. Stoney18 -
9. Bubba Hotep -
10 Qksilver (from Niners) -
11 Detroit-Tigers -
12 Cubit -
Stadium Draft (Untimed -- needs to finish same time as Supp Draft)
[b:5fa62cf182]1. Nythawk -[/b:5fa62cf182]
2. Kaviksdad -
3. AF Dickie -
4. Sandlotshrink -
5. Qksilver -
6. Bubba Hotep -