by ROBERTVOZZA » Wed Nov 30, 2005 1:16 am
1. Qksilver 181-143 +38
2. APisano 180-144 +37
3. CATom 171-153 +18
4. Kaviksdad 169-155 +14
4. JaserD 169-155 +14
5. Dneedle1 168-156 +12
5. J-PAV 168-156 +12
6. Sandlot 167-157 +10
7. Jeep 166-158 +8
7. Cubs48' 166-158 +8
8. Ineluki 165-159 +6
8. Edge 165-159 +6
So as you can see, there are 4 tiebreakers that should be determined between each set on their own. I have no criteria set up for tiebreakers other than Head to Head play. But I would prefer to leave that up to the 8 players who find themselves involved in the 4 tiebreakers. If you can figure it out by looking up your league records against each other, that can be the 1st and other tiebreaker other than Lottery picks. Because we played in mix and match leagues(Based upon individual records), there may be some teams who didn't even get to play each other.
So if any 2 players involved can look up your teams record against each other. The team with the better record in h2H will have the higher pick. Otherwise, use a lottery pick.
Note that aside from Kav and Jaser thru Edge - only 4 games separated the next 10 teams and only 9 games separated Kav thru TRich - with Ty, Jamie and Alphonso just 2 more back.
I'd say that was pretty close in 324 games played...Only myself, Big, Cubit and Freak were basically out of the Finals race the last 30 games of LOTO II.
So the parity factor seemed to work. Next year, we will be adding 12 to 24 more players and adding a round.
Altho, winning LOTO I League B and not making the Finals, I still thoroughly enjoyed the level of competition here. I wish I could have pulled of a huge surge down the stretch(As did Jeep) to make the Final 12, but aside from my own disappointment, I still believe the rules based upon record from LOTO I and II to create a Finals League were ones I would employ again. So congratulations to the 12 Finalists and Good Luck in your pursuit of the LOTO Championship.
The Bottom 12:
1. Cristano 164-160 +4
2. ET 162-162 +0
3. Penn 161-163 -2
4. Jamesgang 160-164 -4
4. TRich 160-164 -4
5. Tycobb 159-165 -6
6. Alphonso 158-166 -8
6. Jamie 158-166 -8
7. Swpsychic 154-170 -16
8. Bigmahon 147-177 -30
8. Cubit 147-177 -30
9. Freak 124-200 -76
Special congrats to AP, whose 104-58 record I believe is a LOTO best.
So let the tiebreakers be settled and anyone who wishes in the Finals League may come forth and set up the League.
I will setup a consolation League for anyone interested in playing from the bottom 12 sometime between tomorrow and next Wednesday. I'd be surprised if members from this group didn't have some credits to burn.
But for now I am calling it a day. :wink: SWP