ATG 5 auction bidding

Postby gorshar » Sun Dec 27, 2009 4:49 am

After we are full each of the five bid receivers will announce their player and if they so choose, can place a bid (they cannot place a bid afterwards). Then anyone can PM their bids. But... at the same time I will post a log-in sheet for everyone to sign. The 24-hour clock will begin the moment the 12th person signs the sheet. That way we can be sure that everybody knows we have started and everyone has a chance to bid.

Since I posted the original rules, I think we've agreed that...

-Each of the initial bid recipients may post an opening bid if they want (though I will not be bidding on Mantle, he's not the CF I want).

-Bidding ends when either all 11 owners PM a bid or a pass, or 24 hours elapses - whichever comes first.

-All bids will be posted to the list, not just the winning bid.
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Postby JOSEPHKENDALL » Sun Dec 27, 2009 8:40 am

A question about the rules. How does this part work?

If a player is nominated without a bid and nobody bids than the nominating owner gets that player at the minimum bid of 10% or 500K whichever is greater.

If I nominate a player and already have 25 players, I obviously can't be "stuck" with the player I nominate. But, what if I nominate a player and don't bid and didn't want the player and no one else bids? Am I really "stuck" with the player?
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Postby gorshar » Sun Dec 27, 2009 9:50 am

[quote:7ce38fe31f]If I nominate a player and already have 25 players, I obviously can't be "stuck" with the player I nominate.[/quote:7ce38fe31f]
Thanks for reminding me of the omission and welcome to the auction zone. The way it works is once you have filled your roster the final nomination is passed to the next owner on the list, so this scenario is not a concern.

[quote:7ce38fe31f]But, what if I nominate a player and don't bid and didn't want the player and no one else bids? Am I really "stuck" with the player?[/quote:7ce38fe31f]
Yup, you're stuck with him, but at least the price will be good! Therefore... choose your nominations carefully and try to guess whether somebody will bite or not... :shock:
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Postby MIKEARCHAMBAULT » Sun Dec 27, 2009 12:15 pm

In the unlikely event that two or more bid the same amount on a player, would the earliest bid received get the player? I would think this could happen, especially with the nickel players.
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Postby kimkrichbaum2 » Sun Dec 27, 2009 12:39 pm

[quote:4d9f72c961]In the event of a tie, the owners who bid the tie (not all bidders) must each re-submit a bid within 24 hours higher than their previous bid. [/quote:4d9f72c961]

What Miduar might be talking about is what if both players refuse to up their bids - (seems like a pretty rare occurence)
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Postby MIKEARCHAMBAULT » Sun Dec 27, 2009 1:13 pm

Right, I don't think it would happen with any players who would be expected to be starters. But the real cheap bench fillers will probably get nominated occassionally.
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Postby Mr Baseball World » Sun Dec 27, 2009 6:04 pm

Can't resist

1. gorshar (Will take Mantle bids)
2. litangel ( I'll take Maddux bids)
3. BobBoone ( Josh Gibson bids)
4. ldanred (alexander bids )
5. DHowser (Ruth bids)
6. getowtamypot
7. miduar (I can take any if someone changes their mind)
8. CATom
9. joekendall
10. Mr. Baseball World
Mr Baseball World
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Postby BobBoone » Sun Dec 27, 2009 6:19 pm

Can't resist

1. gorshar (Will take Mantle bids)
2. litangel ( I'll take Maddux bids)
3. BobBoone ( Josh Gibson bids)
4. ldanred (alexander bids )
5. DHowser (Ruth bids)
6. getowtamypot
7. miduar (I can take any if someone changes their mind)
8. CATom
9. joekendall
10. Mr. Baseball World
11. MJRuth is joining. Proxy
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Postby BobBoone » Sun Dec 27, 2009 6:27 pm

Can't resist

1. gorshar (Will take Mantle bids)
2. litangel ( I'll take Maddux bids)
3. BobBoone ( Josh Gibson bids)
4. ldanred (alexander bids )
5. DHowser (Ruth bids)
6. getowtamypot
7. miduar (I can take any if someone changes their mind)
8. CATom
9. joekendall
10. Mr. Baseball World
11. MJRuth is joining. Proxy
12. Jet40 is joining. Proxy
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Postby kimkrichbaum2 » Sun Dec 27, 2009 6:58 pm

thought I'd start it for you Gorshar, hope this is OK

Sign in :

1. gorshar
2. litangel - IN
3. BobBoone
4. ldanred
5. DHowser
6. getowtamypot
7. miduar
8. CATom
9. joekendall
10. Mr. Baseball World
11. MJRuth
12. Jet40

Bidtaker's bids

Mantle (Gorshar) -
Maddux (litangel) - 7.00
Gibson (BobBoone) -
Alexander (Idanred) -
Ruth (Dhowser) -
Posts: 55
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