Branch Rickey League Live Draft Chat

Postby joeoc » Sun Feb 04, 2007 11:28 pm

Just got home,after Bears defeat, and closed out the Central.

I checked before I left the house and the East still wasn't filled. No proxies for entering teams plus it didn't seem like we were in a hurry. :roll:

[size=18:50d71368d9]Password has been PMed to the West :) [/size:50d71368d9]

I'll post it here if anyone doesn't get the password in their private messages.
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Postby modmark46 » Mon Feb 05, 2007 7:18 am

The League '34 Leopards is the first team in the West. :)
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Postby rosenthm » Mon Feb 05, 2007 7:24 am

The Divine Interventions are ine the West!

2 more to go and we're full!
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Postby Proverbial Psalms » Mon Feb 05, 2007 12:40 pm

he's meat is the last team needed to enter and then we're full :)
Proverbial Psalms
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Postby MEAT » Mon Feb 05, 2007 12:46 pm

entered...FULL! :lol:
P.j....I had a team from Sudoku too, but it was for a godforsaken shifting sands/12 alternating themes league. they were called the rubik's cubes, a combination of which would be an easier puzzle to solve than complying with 12 different themes...oh like say, everyone on your team's last name has to start with a different letter...and(not or) represent 9-different decades, OR 8-different zodiac signs. as Yul Brenner would say, etcetera, etcetra, etcetra...."Is a Puzzlement!"
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Postby frannyzoo » Tue Feb 06, 2007 12:37 am

Dear Abby, Dear Abby:

I'm a complete frenzy fiend and have been in like two "waivers" leagues in my ATG life. Why am I #1 in waiver priority now, and should I feel guilty about that?


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Postby Maxie Minoso » Tue Feb 06, 2007 10:41 am

Dear Unworthy,

Poor HAL had another rough night when it came time to select the waiver order. There was much spinning, grinding, and lights blinking. After a pause of 32 minutes HAL decided the only course left was to determine the waiver order by team entry into the league.

It is another perk of the live draft. I smile to myself when thinking of HAL coughing and sputtering while frantically trying to find a team that lost a pick. Not only does it cause Bernie to run to the TSN headquarters dressed in his pajamas (Why TSN Headquarters was dressed in Bernie's pajamas I'll never know.), but hundreds of fellow team owners must wait another half hour for their results.

Don't feel guilty, Unworthy. Enjoy the moment and the beauty of the Live Draft.

As always,
Abby Normal
Maxie Minoso
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Postby JUMA » Tue Feb 06, 2007 2:56 pm

Dear Abby,

I can't sign my real name for fear of reprisal, but you can call me Fergie. Like that English chick who was close to being a princess.
I'm a major league pitcher, and not usually a complainer, but I don't like my current team. Our owner has accumulated a bunch of singles-hitters and named us the Muppets.
Anyway, any tips on how I can get myself out of this mess?

Moping as a Muppet
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Postby Maxie Minoso » Tue Feb 06, 2007 3:30 pm

Dear Moping,

I can appreciate your feelings since you have been use to having robust sluggers showering next to you.

However before you become known as the Dope Mope check out that team you are on. Without a doubt they are the finest group of ballplayers ever assembled in this fine game. They will win their division by seven games and sweep through the post season. Your manager is without peer.

If you like champagne, parades, and oversized rings you'll quickly realize the grass is not greener on the other side of the fence. It's usually littered with sunflower seed shells.

Speaking of grass, and if you must find another team, there is a character clause in your contract. Pick up some wacky tobacky and carry it around with you in every airport you visit. You'll soon be released from your contractual obligations and be able to pursue opportunities elsewhere.

While MLBB usually comes down hard on drug offenders not named Howe, I am sure they will make an exception in your case.

As Always,
Abby Normal
home phone: 614 798-8918 (collect calls from jails accepted)
office: 1-800 555 6287
Maxie Minoso
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Postby Proverbial Psalms » Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:12 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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