Postby modmark46 » Fri Dec 15, 2006 4:21 pm

I assume that you are prohibited from dropping a player, taking the financial hit, and then picking the same player back up? I am sure that is the case, but want to be sure.
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Postby spicki17 » Fri Dec 15, 2006 4:39 pm

uncle - do you really think a 2 hour window with that stiff a penalty is a good idea? i cannot access strato from work, thus if i get any drop time between 9-6, i will be forced to drop 5 players. thats kinda BS.
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Postby uncle ny » Fri Dec 15, 2006 4:59 pm

I've tweaked the rule to make the deadline easier to deal with. A deadline's required or there'll be no window for each team to make their moves. And the intent of the rule is that the teams lower in the standings would be able to claim the players dumped by the better teams. In answer to the other question, teams can reclaim their dumped players (provided they haven't been claimed by a team lower down in the standigns) as soon as the waiver penalty increases (in the case of the first two CATCH AND RELEASES and after game 122 with respect to the third.

Rule, slightly revised:

1. By uncle ny - CATCH AND RELEASE
The league will use graduated penalties for drops/adds. The SOM system works as follows:

games 1-41: 5%, games 42-80: 10%, games 81+: 20%

In this league, there will be three mandatory drop/adds as follows:

After games, 38, 78, and 116, each team will be required to drop its most highly compensated pitcher, most highly compensated outfielder, and most highly compensated infielder (excluding catcher) and replace them. The drops/adds will be done in the order of standings based on record, with the top team going first. Ties will be decided based on run differential. Each team will have three hours to do this with the clock running 9-9, Eastern time, so that each team will be able to complete its changes before the change in penalty kicks in. Any team that misses its turn will be required to add its next most highly compensated pitcher and infielder so that he/she will be required to drop 5, not 3, and will do so in the 12th spot regardless of whether the penalty has changed. NOTE THAT IF THERE ARE EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES MAKING IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR A TEAM TO COMPLY WITH THE DEADLINE, they should post the same in advance and the Commish will try to accomodate the extenuating circumstance.

Please feel free to post any questions and I will answer them so that there are no ambiguities existing regarding CATCH AND RELEASE when the league starts.
uncle ny
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Postby spicki17 » Fri Dec 15, 2006 5:10 pm

1. By uncle ny - CATCH AND RELEASE
The league will use graduated penalties for drops/adds. The SOM system works as follows:

games 1-41: 5%, games 42-80: 10%, games 81+: 20%

In this league, there will be three mandatory drop/adds as follows:

After games, 38, 78, and 116, each team will be required to drop its most highly compensated pitcher, most highly compensated outfielder, and most highly compensated infielder (excluding catcher) and replace them. The drops/adds will be done in the order of standings based on record, with the top team going first. Ties will be decided based on run differential. Each team will have three hours to do this with the clock running 9-9, Eastern time, so that each team will be able to complete its changes before the change in penalty kicks in. Any team that misses its turn will be required to add its next most highly compensated pitcher and infielder so that he/she will be required to drop 5, not 3, and will do so in the 12th spot regardless of whether the penalty has changed. NOTE THAT IF THERE ARE EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES MAKING IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR A TEAM TO COMPLY WITH THE DEADLINE, they should post the same in advance and the Commish will try to accomodate the extenuating circumstance.

2. by spicki17 - DRAFT SALARY CAP

this rule only applies to the live draft and only to the first 12 rounds.

at the beginning of the draft, based off the pick 3 numbers, each owner will be assigned a number 1 thru 12 (1 goes to the lowest number, 12 to the highest, if we have a tie number, we can have the commish flip a coin or something). this will be their "assigned number" for the whole draft.

then, at the beginning of each round, our commish (or a random person not in the league) will run a random number generator on the numbers 1 to 12, to determine the draft order for that round. the owner who has the "assigned number" that is listed first picks last for that round. the owner who has the "assigned number" that is listed last number picks first for that round. BUT, the person who picks first has the lowest salary that round and the person who picks last has the highest salary for that round. the salary caps are as follows:

pick 12 - unlimited cap
pick 11 - 12M
pick 10 - 11M
pick 9 - 10M
pick 8 - 9M
pick 7 - 8M
pick 6 - 7M
pick 5 - 6M
pick 4 - 5M
pick 3 - 4M
pick 2 - 3M
pick 1 - 2M

thus, the person with pick 1 cannot select a player over 2M, and the owner with pick 12 can spend however much money they want (as long as they stay under a total of 100M - or whatever the salary cap is for this league). no money can be rolled over to the next round.

one last twist. before making their pick, any team can "roll the dice". what this means is they can request the commish to flip a coin (or run a random number 1 to 2). if the flip is heads (1), they get 1.5 times their cap that round. if the flip is tails (2), they get half their cap for that round.

at the end of the 12 rounds, a normal serpentine draft will will take place (no more salary cap on picks), where the owner with the most amount of money spent picks first, and the owner with the least amount of money spent picks last.
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Postby STEPHENANDERSON 2 » Fri Dec 15, 2006 5:28 pm

I have 2 themes I am thinking of and trying to decide which one I like better. Will post later on in the day.
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Postby STEPHENANDERSON 2 » Fri Dec 15, 2006 8:49 pm

1. By uncle ny - CATCH AND RELEASE
The league will use graduated penalties for drops/adds. The SOM system works as follows:

games 1-41: 5%, games 42-80: 10%, games 81+: 20%

In this league, there will be three mandatory drop/adds as follows:

After games, 38, 78, and 116, each team will be required to drop its most highly compensated pitcher, most highly compensated outfielder, and most highly compensated infielder (excluding catcher) and replace them. The drops/adds will be done in the order of standings based on record, with the top team going first. Ties will be decided based on run differential. Each team will have three hours to do this with the clock running 9-9, Eastern time, so that each team will be able to complete its changes before the change in penalty kicks in. Any team that misses its turn will be required to add its next most highly compensated pitcher and infielder so that he/she will be required to drop 5, not 3, and will do so in the 12th spot regardless of whether the penalty has changed. NOTE THAT IF THERE ARE EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES MAKING IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR A TEAM TO COMPLY WITH THE DEADLINE, they should post the same in advance and the Commish will try to accomodate the extenuating circumstance.

2. by spicki17 - DRAFT SALARY CAP

this rule only applies to the live draft and only to the first 12 rounds.

at the beginning of the draft, based off the pick 3 numbers, each owner will be assigned a number 1 thru 12 (1 goes to the lowest number, 12 to the highest, if we have a tie number, we can have the commish flip a coin or something). this will be their "assigned number" for the whole draft.

then, at the beginning of each round, our commish (or a random person not in the league) will run a random number generator on the numbers 1 to 12, to determine the draft order for that round. the owner who has the "assigned number" that is listed first picks last for that round. the owner who has the "assigned number" that is listed last number picks first for that round. BUT, the person who picks first has the lowest salary that round and the person who picks last has the highest salary for that round. the salary caps are as follows:

pick 12 - unlimited cap
pick 11 - 12M
pick 10 - 11M
pick 9 - 10M
pick 8 - 9M
pick 7 - 8M
pick 6 - 7M
pick 5 - 6M
pick 4 - 5M
pick 3 - 4M
pick 2 - 3M
pick 1 - 2M

thus, the person with pick 1 cannot select a player over 2M, and the owner with pick 12 can spend however much money they want (as long as they stay under a total of 100M - or whatever the salary cap is for this league). no money can be rolled over to the next round.

one last twist. before making their pick, any team can "roll the dice". what this means is they can request the commish to flip a coin (or run a random number 1 to 2). if the flip is heads (1), they get 1.5 times their cap that round. if the flip is tails (2), they get half their cap for that round.

at the end of the 12 rounds, a normal serpentine draft will will take place (no more salary cap on picks), where the owner with the most amount of money spent picks first, and the owner with the least amount of money spent picks last.


1st - Before the player draft starts, we run a draft, either lottery or random number, does not matter, to give an order 1-12.

2nd - Drafting 1 of 4 stadiums - 2 righty tainted ( Wrigley 59 and Shibe 50) and 2 lefty tainted ( Sportsman 20 and League 34).

3rd - Numbers 1-4 EAST Division - each pick a Stadium
Numbers 5- 8 CENTRAL Division - each pick a Stadium
Numbers 9- 12 WEST Division - each pick a Stadium
Each division only gets one of each.

4th - Each manager that picks Wrigley and Shibe MUST DRAFT 4 LEFTY starters and each manager that picks Sportsman and League MUST DRAFT 4 RIGHTY STARTERS. Each manager must keep at least 4 and 4 the whole year. At least 2 of the four must be starters only.

5th - Each manager MUST DRAFT 5 HITTERS THAT START AND THAT HIT OPPOSITE OF THEIR STADIUM. (i.e. Ruth in Shibe.... Aaron in League)They cannot platoon, cannot be switch hitters and before the season, you must name the 5 starters. Plus, if you pickup and drop, you must announce it at the time.

Guess that covers it.
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Postby modmark46 » Fri Dec 15, 2006 9:24 pm

You guys are truly TWISTED! :shock: :twisted: :wink:
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Postby Munich_Man » Sat Dec 16, 2006 10:22 am

[quote:ce886e834b]Each team will have three hours to do this with the clock running 9-9, Eastern time, so that each team will be able to complete its changes before the change in penalty kicks in. Any team that misses its turn will be required to add its next most highly compensated pitcher and infielder so that he/she will be required to drop 5, not 3, and will do so in the 12th spot regardless of whether the penalty has changed. NOTE THAT IF THERE ARE EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES MAKING IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR A TEAM TO COMPLY WITH THE DEADLINE, they should post the same in advance and the Commish will try to accomodate the extenuating circumstance. [/quote:ce886e834b]

Do extenuating circumastances include the fact that 9 pm eastern is 3 in the morning for me?
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Postby giddyup81 » Sat Dec 16, 2006 12:01 pm

1. By uncle ny - CATCH AND RELEASE
The league will use graduated penalties for drops/adds. The SOM system works as follows:

games 1-41: 5%, games 42-80: 10%, games 81+: 20%

In this league, there will be three mandatory drop/adds as follows:

After games, 38, 78, and 116, each team will be required to drop its most highly compensated pitcher, most highly compensated outfielder, and most highly compensated infielder (excluding catcher) and replace them. The drops/adds will be done in the order of standings based on record, with the top team going first. Ties will be decided based on run differential. Each team will have three hours to do this with the clock running 9-9, Eastern time, so that each team will be able to complete its changes before the change in penalty kicks in. Any team that misses its turn will be required to add its next most highly compensated pitcher and infielder so that he/she will be required to drop 5, not 3, and will do so in the 12th spot regardless of whether the penalty has changed. NOTE THAT IF THERE ARE EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES MAKING IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR A TEAM TO COMPLY WITH THE DEADLINE, they should post the same in advance and the Commish will try to accomodate the extenuating circumstance.

2. by spicki17 - DRAFT SALARY CAP

this rule only applies to the live draft and only to the first 12 rounds.

at the beginning of the draft, based off the pick 3 numbers, each owner will be assigned a number 1 thru 12 (1 goes to the lowest number, 12 to the highest, if we have a tie number, we can have the commish flip a coin or something). this will be their "assigned number" for the whole draft.

then, at the beginning of each round, our commish (or a random person not in the league) will run a random number generator on the numbers 1 to 12, to determine the draft order for that round. the owner who has the "assigned number" that is listed first picks last for that round. the owner who has the "assigned number" that is listed last number picks first for that round. BUT, the person who picks first has the lowest salary that round and the person who picks last has the highest salary for that round. the salary caps are as follows:

pick 12 - unlimited cap
pick 11 - 12M
pick 10 - 11M
pick 9 - 10M
pick 8 - 9M
pick 7 - 8M
pick 6 - 7M
pick 5 - 6M
pick 4 - 5M
pick 3 - 4M
pick 2 - 3M
pick 1 - 2M

thus, the person with pick 1 cannot select a player over 2M, and the owner with pick 12 can spend however much money they want (as long as they stay under a total of 100M - or whatever the salary cap is for this league). no money can be rolled over to the next round.

one last twist. before making their pick, any team can "roll the dice". what this means is they can request the commish to flip a coin (or run a random number 1 to 2). if the flip is heads (1), they get 1.5 times their cap that round. if the flip is tails (2), they get half their cap for that round.

at the end of the 12 rounds, a normal serpentine draft will will take place (no more salary cap on picks), where the owner with the most amount of money spent picks first, and the owner with the least amount of money spent picks last.


1st - Before the player draft starts, we run a draft, either lottery or random number, does not matter, to give an order 1-12.

2nd - Drafting 1 of 4 stadiums - 2 righty tainted ( Wrigley 59 and Shibe 50) and 2 lefty tainted ( Sportsman 20 and League 34).

3rd - Numbers 1-4 EAST Division - each pick a Stadium
Numbers 5- 8 CENTRAL Division - each pick a Stadium
Numbers 9- 12 WEST Division - each pick a Stadium
Each division only gets one of each.

4th - Each manager that picks Wrigley and Shibe MUST DRAFT 4 LEFTY starters and each manager that picks Sportsman and League MUST DRAFT 4 RIGHTY STARTERS. Each manager must keep at least 4 and 4 the whole year. At least 2 of the four must be starters only.

5th - Each manager MUST DRAFT 5 HITTERS THAT START AND THAT HIT OPPOSITE OF THEIR STADIUM. (i.e. Ruth in Shibe.... Aaron in League)They cannot platoon, cannot be switch hitters and before the season, you must name the 5 starters. Plus, if you pickup and drop, you must announce it at the time.

Guess that covers it.

4. 21 by giddyup81
Your fielders defensive rating (C, 1b, 2b, SS, 3b, LF, CF, RF) have to add up 21.
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Postby modmark46 » Sun Dec 17, 2006 6:56 am


[b:b1d057b4a0]1. By uncle ny - CATCH AND RELEASE [/b:b1d057b4a0]
The league will use graduated penalties for drops/adds. The SOM system works as follows:

games 1-41: 5%, games 42-80: 10%, games 81+: 20%

In this league, there will be three mandatory drop/adds as follows:

After games, 38, 78, and 116, each team will be required to drop its most highly compensated pitcher, most highly compensated outfielder, and most highly compensated infielder (excluding catcher) and replace them. The drops/adds will be done in the order of standings based on record, with the top team going first. Ties will be decided based on run differential. Each team will have three hours to do this with the clock running 9-9, Eastern time, so that each team will be able to complete its changes before the change in penalty kicks in. Any team that misses its turn will be required to add its next most highly compensated pitcher and infielder so that he/she will be required to drop 5, not 3, and will do so in the 12th spot regardless of whether the penalty has changed. NOTE THAT IF THERE ARE EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES MAKING IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR A TEAM TO COMPLY WITH THE DEADLINE, they should post the same in advance and the Commish will try to accomodate the extenuating circumstance.

[b:b1d057b4a0]2. by spicki17 - DRAFT SALARY CAP [/b:b1d057b4a0]

this rule only applies to the live draft and only to the first 12 rounds.

at the beginning of the draft, based off the pick 3 numbers, each owner will be assigned a number 1 thru 12 (1 goes to the lowest number, 12 to the highest, if we have a tie number, we can have the commish flip a coin or something). this will be their "assigned number" for the whole draft.

then, at the beginning of each round, our commish (or a random person not in the league) will run a random number generator on the numbers 1 to 12, to determine the draft order for that round. the owner who has the "assigned number" that is listed first picks last for that round. the owner who has the "assigned number" that is listed last number picks first for that round. BUT, the person who picks first has the lowest salary that round and the person who picks last has the highest salary for that round. the salary caps are as follows:

pick 12 - unlimited cap
pick 11 - 12M
pick 10 - 11M
pick 9 - 10M
pick 8 - 9M
pick 7 - 8M
pick 6 - 7M
pick 5 - 6M
pick 4 - 5M
pick 3 - 4M
pick 2 - 3M
pick 1 - 2M

thus, the person with pick 1 cannot select a player over 2M, and the owner with pick 12 can spend however much money they want (as long as they stay under a total of 100M - or whatever the salary cap is for this league). no money can be rolled over to the next round.

one last twist. before making their pick, any team can "roll the dice". what this means is they can request the commish to flip a coin (or run a random number 1 to 2). if the flip is heads (1), they get 1.5 times their cap that round. if the flip is tails (2), they get half their cap for that round.

at the end of the 12 rounds, a normal serpentine draft will will take place (no more salary cap on picks), where the owner with the most amount of money spent picks first, and the owner with the least amount of money spent picks last.

[b:b1d057b4a0]3. by Doctor Tax - I HATE HOME COOKING THEME [/b:b1d057b4a0]

1st - Before the player draft starts, we run a draft, either lottery or random number, does not matter, to give an order 1-12.

2nd - Drafting 1 of 4 stadiums - 2 righty tainted ( Wrigley 59 and Shibe 50) and 2 lefty tainted ( Sportsman 20 and League 34).

3rd - Numbers 1-4 EAST Division - each pick a Stadium
Numbers 5- 8 CENTRAL Division - each pick a Stadium
Numbers 9- 12 WEST Division - each pick a Stadium
Each division only gets one of each.

4th - Each manager that picks Wrigley and Shibe MUST DRAFT 4 LEFTY starters and each manager that picks Sportsman and League MUST DRAFT 4 RIGHTY STARTERS. Each manager must keep at least 4 and 4 the whole year. At least 2 of the four must be starters only.

5th - Each manager MUST DRAFT 5 HITTERS THAT START AND THAT HIT OPPOSITE OF THEIR STADIUM. (i.e. Ruth in Shibe.... Aaron in League)They cannot platoon, cannot be switch hitters and before the season, you must name the 5 starters. Plus, if you pickup and drop, you must announce it at the time.

Guess that covers it.

[b:b1d057b4a0]4. 21 by giddyup81 [/b:b1d057b4a0]
Your fielders defensive rating (C, 1b, 2b, SS, 3b, LF, CF, RF) have to add up 21.

[b:b1d057b4a0]5. He's Meat - [/b:b1d057b4a0]
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