by Jeepdriver » Wed Apr 07, 2010 3:43 pm
The rules are self explanatory I believe. As Beach said the rules have always been the same.
As simply as I can put it all Round I picks are protected. No one can take a player from outside their own protected team.
Since no one picked a K.C. player in Round I then as many K.C. players as people want could be taken in Round II. Sames goes for Halladay and Toronto. Toronto wasn't a protected team in Round I so Toronto players are fair game Round II.
To put it another way, 12 teams were used in Round I. So of those 12 teams we can't pick a player from those teams, except from our own team of course, like Stoney picked Sandoval/Lincecum.
Don't try and over-complicate it.
Splinter, I'm not set up to text from my cell carrier, that's why I'm not texting you back. I can receive but not make them myself.