Another Exp Era Team Draft (not 2cityfan's)

Postby GFDWARF07 » Sat Mar 31, 2012 4:32 pm


Let's get the ballpark thing settled. I propose that people be permitted to use any park for either of their franchises from 1963 to the present, thereby expanding my earlier interpretation of 1967 to the present. That will permit Dan to use Crosley '66 and open up a few additional choices for others. I really don't think anything prior to 1963 would be considered an expansion park. BUT if someone intended to use a pre-'63 park, speak up now and let the group weigh in on that park.

Unless you intend to use a pre-'63 park, I do not believe it appropriate to require the others to reveal the park choice until all 12 teams have picked their franchises; at that point we can reveal the parks that we intend to use while we are loading. That will permit people to tweak rosters prior to loading.

Please respond with your thoughts.


Good by me - thanks, Steve!
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Postby doug_tucker10 » Sat Mar 31, 2012 6:19 pm

For myself i wasnt settled on a ballpark, whatever works is fine by me.
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Jet40 is up

Postby GFDWARF07 » Sat Mar 31, 2012 7:25 pm

Round 1
1. gfdwarf07 -CIN exp - Big Red Machine!
2. misterg - SF exp
3. jamesgang77 Yankees
4. mike28298 - toronto exp
5. Death From Above - Atlanta EXP
6. jet40 - Houston exp
7. fraank123 - Montreal
8. bontomn - StL exp
9. BDWard - Oakland
10. PJK - Kansas City exp
11. JCHansen - CLE
12. carr20 - Minnesota
Round 2
13. carr20 - Philadelphia
14. JCHansen - Boston
15. PJK - Baltimore Orioles
16. BDWard - Texas
17. bontomn - NY Mets
18. fraank123 - detroit
19. jet 40
20. Death From Above
21. mike28298
22. jamesgang77
23. misterg
24. gfdwarf07
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ball parks

Postby carr20 » Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:08 pm


First, this is my first go-round as a commissioner, and I was attempting to be as fair as possible. Had I not received any objections, I would have "ruled" that Dan can use the '66 park even though I did not believe that was the proper interpretation as I stated in my earlier post.

But I have received objections, and strong ones at that, and I appreciate that the objectors do not want to create any public bickering. My experience in other leagues has also been that the Commissioner resolves interpretation disputes, etc. So I will resolve it.

In light of the objections, I go back to my original interpretation that expansion era equals expansion era parks, so they must be '67 or later. That was what I clearly believed when I was considering parks (and coincidentally or not, that was the same conclusion reached by the öther league" which I parroted for our purposes.) Sorry, Dan but that means that you cannot use '66 Crosley but must use either Riverfront or Great American Ballpark, or the expansion park(s) of your other franchise, nor can anyone else use a pre-'67 park. I trust that the Big Red Machine can kick butt wherever they play.

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Postby jet40 » Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:46 pm

Sorry I have been holding draft up. Been busy all day with no internet.

Round 1
1. gfdwarf07 -CIN exp - Big Red Machine!
2. misterg - SF exp
3. jamesgang77 Yankees
4. mike28298 - toronto exp
5. Death From Above - Atlanta EXP
6. jet40 - Houston exp
7. fraank123 - Montreal
8. bontomn - StL exp
9. BDWard - Oakland
10. PJK - Kansas City exp
11. JCHansen - CLE
12. carr20 - Minnesota
Round 2
13. carr20 - Philadelphia
14. JCHansen - Boston
15. PJK - Baltimore Orioles
16. BDWard - Texas
17. bontomn - NY Mets
18. fraank123 - detroit
19. jet 40 - LA Dodgers
20. Death From Above
21. mike28298
22. jamesgang77
23. misterg
24. gfdwarf07
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Postby GFDWARF07 » Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:54 pm

Moving on....

Best of luck to all - have some fun!
Last edited by GFDWARF07 on Sun Apr 01, 2012 12:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Death_From_Above » Sun Apr 01, 2012 2:14 am

Round 1
1. gfdwarf07 -CIN exp - Big Red Machine!
2. misterg - SF exp
3. jamesgang77 Yankees
4. mike28298 - toronto exp
5. Death From Above - Atlanta EXP
6. jet40 - Houston exp
7. fraank123 - Montreal
8. bontomn - StL exp
9. BDWard - Oakland
10. PJK - Kansas City exp
11. JCHansen - CLE
12. carr20 - Minnesota
Round 2
13. carr20 - Philadelphia
14. JCHansen - Boston
15. PJK - Baltimore Orioles
16. BDWard - Texas
17. bontomn - NY Mets
18. fraank123 - detroit
19. jet 40 - LA Dodgers
20. Death From Above - CAL EXP
21. mike28298
22. jamesgang77
23. misterg
24. gfdwarf07
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Postby GFDWARF07 » Sun Apr 01, 2012 11:17 am

Does anyone have a readily available list of remaining exp franchises to make the last few picks easier?

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Postby carr20 » Sun Apr 01, 2012 12:02 pm

I think what is available is as follows, but please double check to ensure accuracy:

Last edited by carr20 on Sun Apr 01, 2012 2:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby GFDWARF07 » Sun Apr 01, 2012 12:33 pm

Nice quick ballpark reference if anyone wants it.
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