Postby JASEDOANE » Tue Dec 06, 2005 6:41 am

1. Qksilver - SHEA
2. APisano - PETCO
4. JaserD - SAFECO
5. Kaviksdad - KAUFFMAN/SBC
6. J-PAV
7. Dneedle1
8. Sandlot
9. Jeep
10. Cubs48'
11. Edge
12. Ineluki
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Postby kaviksdad » Tue Dec 06, 2005 10:51 am

1. Qksilver - SHEA
2. APisano - PETCO
4. JaserD - SAFECO
5. Kaviksdad - KAUFFMAN
6. J-PAV
7. Dneedle1
8. Sandlot
9. Jeep
10. Cubs48'
11. Edge
12. Ineluki

J-Pav is up! :D
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Postby kaviksdad » Tue Dec 06, 2005 10:53 am

A little clarification on the rules Robert -

In the finals league, how are we setting up the division? The standard 1/4/7/10, 2/5/8/11, etc.


Top 4 winners in the East, middle 4 in the Central, bottom 4 in the West?
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Postby J-Pav » Tue Dec 06, 2005 12:33 pm

1. Qksilver - SHEA
2. APisano - PETCO
4. JaserD - SAFECO
5. Kaviksdad - KAUFFMAN
7. Dneedle1
8. Sandlot
9. Jeep
10. Cubs48'
11. Edge
12. Ineluki
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Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:13 pm

Top 4-Middle 4-Bottom 4. I made this year's LOTO as difficult to win as possible - going for the parity angle. It worked. I won LOTO I and eliminated myself from the Finals with poor play in LOTO II.

The winners have to play the winners - the teams with lower w pct. got to play each other. It gave those at the bottom a fighting chance. Whoever wins this title has had to earn it. Not many easy wins in this group.

Qk, who has had a tough time in LOTO in the past saved his best play for the toughest setup. Kudos Qk...You've really done a fine job and landed the only real benefit I mixed into the rules by earning the top spot and getting to play to your strength in the Finals at Shea.

Hopefully, this will be the most competitive League yet.

Next year, we're going to mix the best of the old guard with the best of the new. (There are some really good new players this year.) Either 36 or 48 team format with elimination.

If I can coordinate it, I think I am going to have this Finals League be one of the 12 and the Bottom 12 here will be the second league. Then the other 1 or 2 leagues will ce comprised of players who didn't get to play this year and new players I have met this year.

All AD, all DH, Waivers and Advanced(Obviously). Round 1(3 or 4 Leagues- 80M), any stadium, multiples again...Round 2(2 leagues -Either 60M or 100M), unique stadiums with a lottery... Round 3(Finals) - 12 best records in order with stadium choice based upon win pct. 80M cap. Just like this one.

Not much difference, really...Just more teams in the 1st round.

Did everyone like the format this year?
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Postby qksilver69 » Tue Dec 06, 2005 10:58 pm

Format works, not too complicated. Thanks for your efforts in coordinating Rob - I have a kid on the way, due around the same time the 2006 game will be out, so really appreciate you making the effort you have made to make it easy on us to participate. Gracias!

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Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Wed Dec 07, 2005 1:52 am

My pleasure, Qk...AND Congratulations!!! Being a brother or sister, aunt or uncle or a friend of people with kids(Of any age) isn't anything like having children of your own.

I really used to think I knew or understood what it was like conceptually or vicariously. But I wasn't even close. It is the most exhausting, demanding, challenging, frightening, life altering, character and stamina building, rewarding, heart opening, exciting, uplifting life experience there is. Once you do it - you see everything with an entirely new set of eyes.

It is almost like being reborn yourself. You also become a member of an exclusive club - that people who do not have children never really understand until they do it themselves. All of a sudden, things that would bother you prior just seem so trite and miniscule by comparison.

You begin to recognize other people's struggles as well and you gain a compassion unlike the one that existed before children. You begin to notice things about other children, like if they might cough, or choke and you jump up to make sure someone elses child is ok somewhere in public - maybe even out of the country.

I can only speak for myself, but the 1st time I ever heard the word, "Daddy", I somehow realized who I was and to this day it is still my favorite word. The tug you feel when you are away from them is unlike any other pang you may have ever felt before. Sure, it is a relief to get away from all the noise and get some real sleep once in awhile, but you can't wait to get back to them and you feel excitement you hadn't felt perhaps since you were a child and your parents were away.

Anyway, this has become lengthy(What else is new.) And i just wanted to welcome you to the club and wish for your wife's term and delivery to be a healthy one and may God bless your child and your family. :D :wink:
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UP and Running

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Wed Dec 07, 2005 3:03 pm

The LOTO III 05' - Consolation League is now up.

Players from LOTO I and II who did not make the Finals League are 1st in line. For those of you who wish to decline, please do so ASAP, so I can allow other players in who have expressed interest.

I will keep your spots open until Wed. Dec 21st. After that those spots will be forfeited, if I do not hear back. This will be the last LOTO League of 05' and should get us to the new cardset in 06'.

If you want to play and you are one of the bottom 12, then sign up here and I will send you the password.

The 1st 2 alternates are Riggodrill and JDEarly. I will Page all LOTO Players from the bottom 12 as invitees to this Consolation League. Please respond Yay or Nay ASAP. Thanks. Robert :D
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Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Wed Dec 07, 2005 3:08 pm


Rules - simple AD/80M/DH/WAIVERS/ADVANCED - Multiple Stadiums OK

1. robvoz(aka swpsychic)

Former LOTO 05' Players have 1st dibs. Riggodrill and JDEarly are alternates 1 and 2 so far.

See you at the ballpark. SW
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Postby cummings2 » Wed Dec 07, 2005 3:45 pm

Hey Robo, keep in me mind for a 3rd alt. in case you need one in the consolation league. My record has taken a bit of a beating lately and I need a few of you geezers to pad my record back up.
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