by Ninersphan » Sun Mar 30, 2008 6:46 pm
Couple of things:
1. THANK YOU splinter for leaving me Wright I'd have taken him NO.1. You've obviously had a slight change of heart since you gave me your proxies. becasue you had Wright first, Tulo second before, you must have gotten my mental projection.
2. As of now, IrishJoe is in. Thanks again splinter for coming to his defense. I don't know him, all I have is what he's done here and claims of what has happend recently with him in another league.
3. As for putting it to a vote, get used to that, it's my style. I like my leagues to manage themselves and try not to be a dictator. I want the league to be what you guys want. So if there are probelms I will ALWAYS bring them to the group if I feel it's something that affects the whole league.
and Again. [b:fa2fc0bb3a]THANK YOU [/b:fa2fc0bb3a]for Leaving me Wright :D
Assuming BBY picks before 10am tomorrow, we will start tomorrow with the clock at 10am. If you can't amke your slot please try and leave proxies. I'm around a lot during the day and am available to take them for the most part.