In that bio thread BBW mentioned 1) going through a divorce, 2) changing job location and 3) moving into an apartment.
Perhaps he has a sound reason for his absense. Perhaps not.
That said, I was awaiting an explanation or an apology for Sunday's absence. A simple "I had more important matters..." would have sufficed. The lack of any communication has me concerned.
His 2nd and 3rd round picks appear to have been proxies or very prompt.
Perhaps a noon deadline CST is in order here. If no word by then perhaps a replacement owner can be summoned. But if his 4th and 5th round picks are passed by, then a replacement owner might be reluctant to take over such a handicap.
So I recommend a draft halt until noon today CST. Should Mr BBW reappear before that time he can enter proxies for his fourth and fifth round (and hopefully more) which should kick in once the draft is resumed.