by Jeepdriver » Sun Sep 19, 2010 6:05 pm
Free Agent Letters (Letters that [u:294876273b]can [/u:294876273b]be put on your draft cards)
[color=blue:294876273b]A, D, E, I, J, K, N, O, Q, U, W, X, Y, Z [/color:294876273b]
And of course, letters from your Country designation.
[b:294876273b]Country List/Divisions [/b:294876273b]
1. Hendrix - Sweden - East
2. Aerodave - Poland - West
3. Kev - Macedonia - West
4. MFSleeze - Hungary - East
5. Artie - Czech Republic - Central
6. Stoney - Belgium - West
7. Keyzick - (the) Vatican - West
8. Zim13 - Russia - Central
9. Rant - Luxembourg - East
10. Jeep - France - East
11. EddieE - Germany - Central
12. Dharmabums - Turkey - Central