by Munich_Man » Fri Nov 19, 2010 10:36 am
What we could do is keep the original alignments for this first season, as I imagine many players have built teams specifically for their presumed divisions, and move to the 1,2,3,4 - 5,6,7,8 - 9,10,11,12 structure in subsequent seasons.
One thing I would like to say, the 1,4,7,10... structure actually allows people to more easily build against division mates, or at least better distributes that ability more equally. If I have the 9th pick, which is not that good, why should I also have the added disadvantage that the other three teams in my division can build specifically to take advantage of my team's weaknesses?
With the 1,4,7,10, the top draft picks are already at a disadvantage as subsequent teams can build against them from the beginning.
At least that was the rationale for doing it the 1,4,7,10 way in all the other Dream Team leagues (I've done 4, I think). That and the great satisfaction you get when your 7th or 10th picked team wins the division over the 1st or 4th picked team, which happens far more often than you might think. I believe in the other Dream Team leagues, the average champion draft position was 4.7, if memory serves, with one 11th pick winning once (I also made the playoffs with an 11th pick), and this with a substantially smaller player pool.
It also makes inter-division play more balanced. I'm sure the Central and West aren't going to be thrilled when they have to go against the East with all those top-picked teams...
Just a suggestion for keeping the status quo, Commish. :D