by Ninersphan » Wed Jul 02, 2008 9:10 am
[quote:ccdb100e6c="the splinter"]where ...what...when?
really, what is our next move?
is it a supplemental draft?
what players can be drafted?
3 rounds?[/quote:ccdb100e6c]
Next moves:
If Irishjoe does not post his three drops in this thread by Midnight tonight, I'll send out an invite to Killer elite seeking his replacement. I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. For all I know he lives in Iowa and his house is underwater.
Once either Joe has posted or we have a replacement, I'm hoping we will be able to start the supplemental draft on or about July 14th. Obviously we have the holiday weekend this weekend, and I am completely unavailabel the weekedn of the 11th-13th as I'll be camping with family and friends.
As for which players are available, the same players that were available for our initial draft. If you go to our draft on the draft site and do a search of the players left, that will give the list of players available + the 35 players that were dropped. Additionally once I have the cuts for Joes roster, either from Joe or a new owner I'll send out a new spread sheet detailing everyones roster.
Once we finish the Supplemental draft we'll to the second half of the prospect draft (2 rounds) using the same non-serpentine draft order as the supplemental draft. Once that's done we'll begin season 2, I'm hoping before August.