The Original USKL -- TSN Version 2011 (Chat Room)

Postby cirills » Fri May 05, 2006 6:36 am

[quote:6d684c00fe]But can we please establish a set of rules before we start playing? Nothing is more frustrating than changing in mid-stream.

STOP saying this guys, PLEASE. Besides this ONE point (albeit a big one) we're fine.

I understand as KD said, that y'all can't always check the all the threads all the time, but I really wish we had addressed this earler, because I posted the same Divisional Alignment 3 times BEFORE this big broo-ha now.

FD will be on later today so he can throw his hat into the ring. After the time and effort I spent to this point to hear some of the adjectives being thrown about now is really frustrating.

Sandy is going to the track now.
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Postby bigmahon » Fri May 05, 2006 9:13 am

Sorry for the delay. You guys can skip my final two picks for now and I will make them up. I have an extremely hectic schedule today, and I need to allocate time to make sure I can meet the TSN draft card requirements. Just don't have the time to do that now.

So skip me!


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Postby Stoney18 » Fri May 05, 2006 9:25 am

Can I get a clarification on the 25 man roster?

Are we allowed to swap out injured players or do we need to stay with the original 25 man roster until the "proposed" September call ups?
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Postby cirills » Fri May 05, 2006 10:25 am

Online at Churchill temporarily ...

With your almost unlimited Salary Stoney (200 million) you may make as many moves you want with your remaining 15 (Minor Leaguers) as you can afford. You just need to maintain a 25 man roster at all times. :D

[b:d094121a77]Bubba Hotep[/b:d094121a77] is up now by default ...

Sandy back offline.
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Postby Stoney18 » Fri May 05, 2006 10:32 am


Are you working or playing at the Derby?
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Postby Ninersphan » Fri May 05, 2006 11:01 am

Sandy is working. He does audio for televised sporting events, not sure if it's NBC or freelance, but he does a lot of golf and the derby along with other things.
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Postby fowldawg » Fri May 05, 2006 8:19 pm

Sorry to cause confusion. When I originally suggested the English Soccer style divisional assignment I thought people knew how it worked. Im a huge soccer fan-- what can i say :lol:

I dont care if we stick to this, but it was the original divisional alignment we decided to use. As to my post concerning the way it works, my use of "up" refered to moving to a more elite division not a direction on a web page page. But if it makes more sense to make the elite the division the east for visual purposes I will live. If this is the decision I recommend we flip the east and west so that teams remain the same.

If we decide to do away with english soccer division model now that we see how it will actually works I'll be fine.


FOR english style as is (flip east and west)
FOR September call-ups at 138
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Postby cirills » Fri May 05, 2006 8:31 pm

Still at Churchill (lots of wireless audio probelms -- I might be here past midnight and back in at 5 AM) :cry:

Thanks for weighing in FD. My opinion is that we go with the divisions you outlined in your earlier post that I then copied 3 times.

[b:cbbbf1fc38][size=18:cbbbf1fc38]I hope that everyone takes the time to read your above post[/size:cbbbf1fc38].[/b:cbbbf1fc38]

I thought that was what we originally agreed to last season, but there seems to be some dissention as of late. I am going to step back (I have stated my wish) and let the "realignment factions" have their say but I hope that you continue to weigh in with the English Premiere Soccer System as I obviously have NO CLUE how that works.


Sandy offline and cold and hungry again at Churchill Downs. :cry:

PS [quote:cbbbf1fc38]Sandy is working. He does audio for televised sporting events, not sure if it's NBC or freelance[/quote:cbbbf1fc38]

Yes, NP is right. I AM working and I AM Freelance but I work almost EXCLUSIVELY for NBC, doing their golf, Olympics and Horce Racing (which besides NASCAR and Arena Football is all the sports we had until this upcoming NFL season).

PS 2 [b:cbbbf1fc38][size=18:cbbbf1fc38]Bubba Hotep[/size:cbbbf1fc38][/b:cbbbf1fc38] is up ....
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Postby kaviksdad » Sat May 06, 2006 3:51 pm

I'm in favor in keeping the best 4 teams (as determined by each year's total record based on 2 leagues per season [or 4 leagues per season if we ever go that route]. Divisional realignment is always to be done prior to the first league in each new year) in the East, the middle 4 in the central and the worst 4 in the west. I think its easier to see who are the top teams if we keep it visually in sync.

I also am in favor of late season call-ups to 28 once game 138 have been played.
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Postby Ninersphan » Sat May 06, 2006 7:34 pm

[quote:9840a18594]Still at Churchill (lots of wireless audio probelms [/quote:9840a18594]

I heard one during the broadcast that bit you in the ass, sorry man :cry: .

I know what a PITA it is when those things happen during a live broadcast. I "heard" the mike drop out and immediatly thought of you and how you were probably freaking out.

Hope you had fun reguardless.
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