The North American Keeper League Forum

Postby Jerlins » Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:54 pm

Same here on the proxies, I prefer seeing whats been drafted ahead of me and the general direction.

I've been in many leagues with Jack, and actually met him once when he came to RI, he's good people. I wish I had his phone # or I'd give him a call. As mentioned earlier, I did send him a message in another league we are in together.

As for me, I am here every night, and though my business partner is beginning a 2 week vacation Monday, the worse case scenario for me is 9 hours, and that will only be if I head to work the pick immediatly before me and am too busy customer wise to check online.
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Postby thisisray » Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:06 am

The key to a good relationship is communication. :wink: For this to run smoothly we need to keep in contact with each other. If someone isn't going to be available then just shoot someone an email. Not being available isn't a problem, but not telling anyone is going to cause problems.
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Postby KEITHLAMONT » Sun Jan 25, 2009 10:57 am

In the event we get back going, I will be out most of the day. My daughter is getting baptized today, and I will check in later.

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Postby jmlopp » Sun Jan 25, 2009 11:10 am

Congratulations Keith and his daughter.

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HI !!

Postby jmlopp » Sun Jan 25, 2009 11:22 am

My guy hasn't contacted me so I put a want ad on the ILC line.
Who ever it was that set us up on, be ready to
change genevajack for who ever our new member is. They have
been told to come ready to draft. I woudl like to see at least 2 draft rounds completed today.

Mike Lopp
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Re: HI !!

Postby Ninersphan » Sun Jan 25, 2009 11:31 am

[quote:2c3b434d3b="Mike Lopp"]My guy hasn't contacted me so I put a want ad on the ILC line.
Who ever it was that set us up on, be ready to
change genevajack for who ever our new member is. They have
been told to come ready to draft. I woudl like to see at least 2 draft rounds completed today.

Mike Lopp[/quote:2c3b434d3b]

Just a heads up, you can't switch a manager on somdraft once a draft has started.

You have to load a whole new draft. the only thing you can do is switch the missing party's password, but that isn't a great idea either as it could screw him up for future drafts.

I MIGHT be interested in being your replacemnet, but it would depend entirly on who I'd be "stuck" with as my 1st three picks and who else was taken.
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Postby thisisdan26 » Sun Jan 25, 2009 11:42 am

Hey niners thanks for the info. Its actually still the first round and so far Pujols and Wright have been picked and were stuck on the 3rd pick.
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Postby Ninersphan » Sun Jan 25, 2009 11:45 am

How long have you been awaiting Genevea Jack? I know he's a regular on the threads and not likily to just abandon your league. It's usually customary to not have a draft clock on weekends so he may show up on Monday.

But if you are truly prepared to replace him, I'll step in, assuming only 2 picks are off the board, that said if leaving a Phone number is a requirement, I can't do it. I won't be called to make picks, You can ask any that have played with me before it's unnecessary.

All that said I have an appointment today at noon and will be unavailabale until about 1-1:30

I'll take Jose Reyes at 3 if you guys want me.
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Postby thisisdan26 » Sun Jan 25, 2009 11:50 am

Phone numbers arent a requirement, just a suggestion. And yes it is still the 1st round. Last contact with geneva was when he signed up (Jan 21st)....then we picked states for the lotto, and he never checked back to do so, so I picked one for him and there has been nothing from him since.
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Postby thisisdan26 » Sun Jan 25, 2009 11:52 am

Ok, well my vote is [b:e01b273f70]YES[/b:e01b273f70] for niners to step in....anyone else?
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