USKL3 chat thread

Postby kaviksdad » Mon Jul 28, 2008 12:31 pm

I would like to propose a compromise to the Watts/Cshannajr deal.

Because Watts currently has a roster of 39, he cannot use his last 2 supplemental picks. I suggest that the deal be changed into 2 separate deals:

Deal 1: Watt's trades pick #6 in the prospect draft and Kyle Kendrick to Cshannajr for a 1st round pick in next years prospect draft and Michael Young. This is an even trade that doesn't affect roster sizes.

Deal 2: Watt's trades a 2nd Round pick in next years F/A draft, Jose Vidro, and another player of his choosing (some bum) to Cshannajr for pick #34 in the supplemental draft. This will allow Watt's to use all three supplemental picks. Vidro and the other bum will push Cshannajrs roster to 41, and he can then drop one of the bums he got from Watts.

I think that would work and is an acceptable compromise. Thoughts?
Last edited by kaviksdad on Mon Jul 28, 2008 1:00 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby cummings2 » Mon Jul 28, 2008 12:31 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Aw Splints! You crack me up my good man! :lol:

If its any consolation I suck big toes in keeper leagues. :oops:

Anyhoo, posted my first pick, a little rushed and a little "bushy" but hey... we like it hairy when it comes to drafts. :wink:

Sorry, I'll try to keep my sense of humor light as we all start getting introduced to each other... once we're all cool and holding hands in the park I'll let loose... ooooh I promise you I'll let loose :twisted:

Good to be here... even if I've already been veto'd out :lol:

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Postby the splinter » Mon Jul 28, 2008 12:41 pm

[quote:4fc83a5bce]If its any consolation I suck big toes in keeper leagues[/quote:4fc83a5bce]

I'm in luck...I just happen to have 2 of them.
the splinter
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Postby BBY » Mon Jul 28, 2008 12:53 pm

welcome aboard cummings
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Postby KEITHLAMONT » Mon Jul 28, 2008 12:59 pm

C2 welcome and thanks for gettings us back moving! :D
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watts trade

Postby cshannajr » Mon Jul 28, 2008 9:42 pm

Niners - I'm going to cancel the young & picks for kendrick and picks deal for now. Good job on seeing that ahead of time and I apologize for the error.

That's why you are the commish.
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Re: watts trade

Postby Ninersphan » Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:27 am

[quote:a10864c4d9="cshannajr"]Niners - I'm going to cancel the young & picks for kendrick and picks deal for now. Good job on seeing that ahead of time and I apologize for the error.

That's why you are the commish.[/quote:a10864c4d9]

I hope watts is okay with that... in fact I don't want anythong done yet until I hear from him concerning this matter, he may not want you to back out...
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Postby cshannajr » Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:44 am

niners...i agreed to that specific trade. if it does not meet league rules, then it is invalid, correct? you can certainly wait to hear from watts of course and, just fyi, we are working on something else.

however, as it stands right now, nothing has been decided. If we cannot come up with something else the original deal would be void, as i see it.

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Postby Ninersphan » Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:51 am

[quote:53bfe9c88d="cshannajr"]niners...i agreed to that specific trade. if it does not meet league rules, then it is invalid, correct? you can certainly wait to hear from watts of course and, just fyi, we are working on something else.

however, as it stands right now, nothing has been decided. If we cannot come up with something else the original deal would be void, as i see it.


I will agree if watts does, he's the injured party in the deal. I mean if he wanted he could let the deal stand, and trade your supplemental pick rights to someone who could use it... so it's not an invalid deal. It just may not be a fair deal for him because he traded for a commodity he can't use.

Until he posts here (and if you are in contact with him PLEASE tell him to) I just won't process the deal, but it isn't in violation of any league rules so the deal [b:53bfe9c88d]COULD[/b:53bfe9c88d] stand as is.
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Postby kaviksdad » Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:53 am

I don't think the problem is the deal meeting league rules - the problem is that roster limits will prevent some of the supplemental picks from being valid picks. In order for the trade to work, something needs to be done about that. Watts can't use them as is - so he can either say fine and there's no problem. Or you can work out something like I suggested earlier and move some bum players off of Watt's roster onto yours. What you do with those bum players is up to you.
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