Postby Cubit » Wed Jun 21, 2006 10:49 pm

Bobm1007 - fixed 25
Kavistad - keep the 25-30
freshmeat-fixed 25
Jack - fixed 25
Blueiguana - fixed 25
Cubit - fixed 25
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Postby Detroit-Tigers » Thu Jun 22, 2006 11:27 am

Bobm1007 - fixed 25
Kavistad - keep the 25-30
freshmeat-fixed 25
Jack - fixed 25
Blueiguana - fixed 25
Cubit - fixed 25
Detroit- fixed 25
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Postby Detroit-Tigers » Thu Jun 22, 2006 11:30 am

Not that I really care, but:

Congratulations Cubit !

and your reward is that you get last pick in the mini draft in Sept !!
( DT and mtarbell have shared that same reward ! )

September draft order should be determined after 2nd season, right?

And I thought divisional alignments were as follows:

Divisional asignments next season are:
Division A (east)
9 - bobm1007 (tied with jack377 but in a lower division)
10- Jack377
11- Blueiguana
12- Cubit

Division B (central)
5- kaviksdad
6- nythawk (tied with DT and mtarbell but in a lower division)
7- mtarbell (tied with DT but had a 11-13 record vs DT in regular season)
8- Detroit Tigers (see above DT beat mtarbell in regular season play)

Division C (west)
1- Ineluki (tied with Sykes but in a lower division)
2- Sykes
3- smackk
4- akindian
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Postby Cubit » Thu Jun 22, 2006 11:45 am

Gee, thanks D-T. I will bask in the glory for as long as it lasts.

(That last sentence should probably be in the past tense, as I don't think the "champions" get too much respect in this League of baying hounds!).

So I get #12 in the mini-draft. Here might be a good place to post the rules for that again, could you? :mrgreen:
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Postby ROBERTMAVIN » Thu Jun 22, 2006 5:07 pm

Division placement is based on moving up through the divisions.. the draft pick is based on season results. Last season I noted that the results ended up being the same in both cases but that would not likely happen again.

each season, the winner of B division will move up; the last place team in A division will move down. The first place team in C division willmove up to B division and the last place team in B division will move down to C division.

Given the unbalanced nature of the TSN schedule where divisional play is given more weight, this will keep teams more competitive within their division. Only Jack377 has been able to start out and stay in A division through all 3 season so far. B division has 50 % turnover every season and is the transition Division. C division so far has produced 2 league champions.

The mini draft actually occurs before the 2nd season

The draft order is entirely based up on season results. the Spring draft order will be based on the combined results of the two 2006 seasons; the same as last year.

September draft order:

1- Ineluki (tied with Sykes but in a lower division)
2- Sykes
3- smackk
4- akindian
5- kaviksdad
6- nythawk (tied with DT and mtarbell but in a lower division)
7- mtarbell (tied with DT but had a 11-13 record vs DT in regular season)
8- Detroit Tigers (see above DT beat mtarbell in regular season play)
9 - bobm1007 (tied with jack377 but in a lower division)
10- Jack377
11- Blueiguana
12- Cubit

Divisional asignments next season are:
Division A (east)
Detroit Tigers

Division B (central)

Division C (west)
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Postby Cubit » Fri Jun 23, 2006 4:41 am

[quote:872eb100ff]The mini draft actually occurs before the 2nd season

The draft order is entirely based up on season results. the Spring draft order will be based on the combined results of the two 2006 seasons; the same as last year.

And how many rounds do we go?
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Postby ROBERTMAVIN » Fri Jun 23, 2006 6:17 am

the mini draft is an optional draft where up to 3 players can be drafted....

During the season, you will be limited to your 40 man overall roster. If you want to pull guys up to replace injured players, send guys up and down for whatever reason, go for it. But once the season starts, its limited to the players you own and a 25 player active roster.
The plan is to play 2 seasons per year
We would reconvene in October for a 3 round FA draft. The advantage here is that, knowing how your team did in the first season, and with a good idea of how your players looked in real-life 2005, you have all kinds of ways to tinker.
A schedule looks like this:
Play first season. All active rosters are 25 man only, but you can use any of your roster at any time.
July-September- dead period, except for trading, which is allowed at any time. We can all move on to our other pursuits, strato or otherwise.

Mid to late September- 3 round optional FA draft, based on the standing from the first league. Any drops must be declared before the draft, and any player dropped goes into the FA pool. You can use 1, 2, 3, or none of your picks in this draft. After this draft is complete, no FA moves of any kind until the preseason draft for the next year. Season 2 begins after the mini draft and of course, players draft are eligible to play in the 2nd season.
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Please Vote

Postby ROBERTMAVIN » Fri Jun 23, 2006 6:26 am

We have to decide on the protected roster issue. if you all recall, the suggestion was made to have a fixed protected roster isntead of the min 25 - max 30. Of course I am referring to the spring draft...

So the votes are either fixed 25 OR 25-30.
Please vote

Bobm1007 - fixed 25
Kavistad - keep the 25-30
freshmeat-fixed 25
Jack - fixed 25
Blueiguana - fixed 25
Cubit - fixed 25
Detroit- fixed 25
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Postby nythawk129921 » Fri Jun 23, 2006 11:21 am

We have to decide on the protected roster issue. if you all recall, the suggestion was made to have a fixed protected roster isntead of the min 25 - max 30. Of course I am referring to the spring draft...

So the votes are either fixed 25 OR 25-30.
Please vote

Bobm1007 - fixed 25
Kavistad - keep the 25-30
freshmeat-fixed 25
Jack - fixed 25
Blueiguana - fixed 25
Cubit - fixed 25
Detroit- fixed 25
hawk-fixed 25
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Postby kaviksdad » Fri Jun 23, 2006 11:50 am

Looks like we're fixed at 25, and the vote is over -
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