LA-Z-BOY 34 Chat Thread $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Postby joeoc » Tue Nov 09, 2010 6:21 pm

Bill sent you a PM with my next two picks, I'm out for the evening.
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Postby Simon31 » Tue Nov 09, 2010 10:56 pm

The weasels were very busy in that 4th round! You know who you are! :P
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Postby Simon31 » Tue Nov 09, 2010 10:58 pm

If you hit "Watch This Topic" on the draft can see when there's been movement via email. No need to continually pull up or refresh the draft page. Just a suggestion. :wink:
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Postby N Texas Widowmakers » Wed Nov 10, 2010 9:52 am

Were slow drafting 15 rounds and it has taken almost a week to slow draft into the 6th round. yikes ! :(
N Texas Widowmakers
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Pace of Draft

Postby joeoc » Wed Nov 10, 2010 1:55 pm

We lost two of the days, first between picks one and two ….second on Sunday due to computer problems…. Plus we have a brand new manager coming on-line and is familiarizing himself with the live draft process…. Traderj (a long time manager) with a new job and for now without computer access while at work……..these are things that usually happen in a slow draft with no clock. (12 hour now in effect)

I expected this draft to not be completed until next Wednesday (Nov 17th) Is it slow yeah but really no slower than past LA-Z-BOY Drafts, we had many drafts that went slower, then diamonddope became available and things went quicker (proxy feature). Diamonddope was not available for use upon ATG VI release. Everyone here seemed ready to draft upon release. I decided to draft on ILC, so a slow draft with its ebbs and flow was to be expected. I've always considered the varying work schedules of the managers (night shifts, afternoon shifts, no computer access at work,..etc) and not really used a clock (12 hour this time), this is part of the reason for many seasons at a time there are no openings.
I could go with a three hour clock and lose three or four managers every couple of seasons but that's not what LA-Z-BOY has been for now 34 seasons.

I dropped the Quick Draft (6 Rounds) because it became increasingly difficult to get twelve managers to participate. In one draft I was proxy for three managers (all picks) and made picks for two managers running late and made picks for two managers that had to step away before the end of the draft. Sort of like drafting by yourself, when you have a direct hand in drafting for all of four managers(myself included) and parts of four others and still try to conduct the draft and keep things moving in accordance with a five minute clock. This was becoming the norm over several drafts, so in order to keep the group together and not feel like this was a job I stopped the Quick Draft. Of course this will slow things down since six rounds will not be drafted in one night. I’d still have the Quick Draft if [b:d9c232fc8f]twelve managers will commit to being present for the time needed[/b:d9c232fc8f] I’ve always posted the dates well in advance, but real life things take priority as well they should.

So everyone should expect a round a day, 14 days for 14 slow rounds and we'll be done by next Wednesday (Nov 17)(probably before) with a Friday Frenzy(Nov19) and a Monday Opening day(Nov22).

The draft is progressing as I expected, no surprise, I knew drafting 14 rounds by this Friday (Nov 12th) wasn’t going to happen. So, expect and enjoy a lengthy draft, your drafting time will usually end up between the same four hour window and as always the main thing is for everyone to have fun.

Thanks for Your Patience

We'll have the stadium draft right here on this thread after the end of Round Eight it will run simultaneously with our regular player draft.[/b:d9c232fc8f]
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Postby joeoc » Thu Nov 11, 2010 12:09 pm

Round 7

1- The Rivs ------------------- Pop Lloyd, SS
2- Mort ------------------------ C. Mathewson, SP (7.47)
3- Dspeters5 ----------------- B.Sutter, RP (5.53)
4- N Texas Widowmakers --- L Berkman IF (7.08)
5- 13Baseballs ---------------- J Torre, 3B (7.70)
6- Dacelo ---------------------- 3F Brown, SP (10.39)
7- artmaki --------------------- J.Pfiester, SP (9.69)
8- Simon31--------------------- B. Terry, 1B (6.16) Proxy
9- deepdrive-------------------- T. Raines, LF (7.29) Proxy
10- Minnie Minoso-------------- Perranoski, RP (2.55)
11- JOEOC --------------------- R. Oswald, SP (6.30)
12- Traderj --------------------- W. Johnson, SP (10.03)

I inadvertantly erased them when I posted Round Nine Grid. They are on the completed rounds thread and in the used player list. Oops
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Please Start Picking Stadiums

Postby joeoc » Thu Nov 11, 2010 9:39 pm

Stadium Draft Position and Division Assignments Set#2

1-10-10 artmaki --------------------
2-6-6 deepdrive --------------------
3-11-11 Traderj ---------------------
4-7-7 Simon31 ----------------------
5-3-3- Mort --------------------------
6-12-12 Dacelo ----------------------
7-1-1-13Baseball --------------------
8-2-2 Minnie Minoso -----------------
9-5-5 JOEOC -------------------------
10-9-9-The Rivs ----------------------
11-4-4- Dspeters5 -------------------
12-8-8- N Texas Widowmakers -----
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Postby artmaki » Thu Nov 11, 2010 11:40 pm

Stadium Draft Position and Division Assignments Set#2

1-10-10 artmaki -------------------- Fenway Park '71
2-6-6 deepdrive --------------------
3-11-11 Traderj ---------------------
4-7-7 Simon31 ----------------------
5-3-3- Mort --------------------------
6-12-12 Dacelo ----------------------
7-1-1-13Baseball --------------------
8-2-2 Minnie Minoso -----------------
9-5-5 JOEOC -------------------------
10-9-9-The Rivs ----------------------
11-4-4- Dspeters5 -------------------
12-8-8- N Texas Widowmakers -----
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Postby deepdrive » Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:45 am

Stadium Draft Position and Division Assignments Set#2

1-10-10 artmaki -------------------- Fenway Park '71 (13-19-9-17)
2-6-6 deepdrive -------------------- Forbes Field '09 (8-8-0-0)
3-11-11 Traderj ---------------------
4-7-7 Simon31 ----------------------
5-3-3- Mort --------------------------
6-12-12 Dacelo ----------------------
7-1-1-13Baseball --------------------
8-2-2 Minnie Minoso -----------------
9-5-5 JOEOC -------------------------
10-9-9-The Rivs ----------------------
11-4-4- Dspeters5 -------------------
12-8-8- N Texas Widowmakers -----
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Postby 13Baseballs » Fri Nov 12, 2010 9:42 am

If I make a pick and list them as a SS, can they be my DH instead of SS... or do they have to play the postion I list them as...
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