by Ninersphan » Fri Oct 10, 2008 4:09 pm
Tonight's the last night of the regular season, and the only thing decided is the winner of the Central (congrats keith). I'm up 3 in the East over kaviksdad and go to his place tonight, needing one win in the 3 games to clinch. If he sweeps me he's in.
Cshannajar, is 2 back of splinter for the West and both of those guys are alive for the wildcard along with Dalinoth and watts. Smitty may have an outside chance, but I haven't looked at all the permutaions. I'm pretty sure though he's on the outside looking in.
Even last place (first pick in the draft) still isn't decided, with BBY and Irish Joe facing each other to see who picks 1 and who picks 2 next year.
Good season, good luck to everyone ( except KD ;-)! )
I'll send out final rosters sometime next week, so hot stove stuff can get rolling.