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Dewon Brazelton Theme League Chat & Trash Talk

PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 6:38 pm
by Jeepdriver
Repost of Rules for Convenience Purposes:

[b:2cdc137a7e]Dewon Brazleton Theme League Rules:[/b:2cdc137a7e]

1. This will be a normal Autodraft
2. $80M/advanced/DH/weighted waivers/10% drop penalty

Now for the fun! This will be a hitting league. If you love pitching, turn your head, run away and get the heck out of dodge!

1. Nobody can own any SP over $1M. If you own a SP/RP over $1M he must be used in relief only. The penalty for an SP/RP over $1M starting will be benching your highest salaried hitter for 1 series (3 games). This doesn't apply if there's an injury forcing someone else to start.

2. The max number of SP's under $1M is Five.

3. Everyone will play in 1 of 4 stadiums, with no duplicate stadium within a Division. When you sign-up you place yourself in a Division and list your park. These are the 4 stadiums to be used:

Citizen's Bank
US Cellular

4. Other than all your starters being less than $1M, everyone else can play.

5. How you fill out your draft card will be crucial. Some things I can think of are:

a. Do you try and pick the best SP's under a Mil
b. Do you try and get the best relievers
c. Do you go for the sluggers

This will be fun to say the least, especially those who love Hitting.

Now, the name of the league is the Dewon Brazelton Theme League. I'm sure you've been asking yourself why did he name the league that? Has Jeep lost it? The answer is no, although debatable.

Here's why:

Dewon Brazelton may be the worst pitcher in the deck. The highest WHIP and 3rd highest ERA. So he gets the honor of naming rights.

---Here's what everyone must do to comply with the theme:

* Everyone, all 12 Owners must put Brazleton on their draft card at the 25th and last spot. So someone will get Brazelton, won't they? Obviously yes.

* The owner who gets him must keep him and use him for the entire season, never dropping him.

* The owner who gets him as a reward gets to claim any player not drafted after the AD and before waivers. IOW, that owner essentially has a #1 waiver pick, as no owners may put a claim on the player the Brazeton owner declares. So Brazelton actually becomes a reward for the Manager who gets him.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 6:41 pm
by Jeepdriver
Anyone care to post their Top 5 or so?

I'll start :)

T Clark

Obviously going all out for stud hitters, if I could get 4 of those I'd be ecstatic, 3 I'd be fairly happy, 2 or less I'm gonna be in trouble.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 6:52 pm
Jones, A.

I think :?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 7:03 pm
by geekor
L Castillo

dont remember after that. I sure hope I get Arod, kinda pined my draft after him.....

PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 8:16 pm
by Jeepdriver
Looks like I didn't get Floyd.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 8:29 pm
My Top 5:

Big Papi

PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 9:43 pm
by durantjerry
1)B Roberts
2)D Lee
I figured everyone would be killing the ball, so a great IF "D" would lead me to the title.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 10:03 pm
by cummings2
1. Andrew Jones
2. Jason Bay
3. Jack Wilson
4. Orlando Hudson
5. Sexson
6. Abreu :cry:
7. Aramis
8. Duchscherer
9. Shields
10. Al Reyes

Guess I'll need a RF

PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 11:41 pm
by Jeepdriver
Yuk, I missed out on a bunch of hitters. I did get Tejada, which means I did win 1 tie-breaker it appears, but a lot of work to do and not a whole heck of a lot in Free Agents either.

Please note what I mentioned in league mail about 5 being the max# of SP's under 1 mil. You can take a look at what's left (in FA's) and see why that rule was imposed. :wink:

Again, congrats to Frank, he won the 1 in 12 long shot of getting Brazelton. :D

I'm going to bed now, will answer any questions that might come up in the morning. 8)