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ATG III: Chronological 2
Wed Sep 06, 2006 9:17 am
by bernieh
Please discuss and come to a conclusion about how to proceed with this league, and have Fluffyman64 (the commish) PM me again with your decision. Thanks.
Wed Sep 06, 2006 10:15 am
by Minoso Express
Thanks, Bernie. Looks like several scenarios are being discussed, all of which seem to involve either one manager dropping out to accommodate the bumped manager or leaving things as they are if the bumped manager doesn't wish to continue on in the league.
Fixing the league
Wed Sep 06, 2006 5:07 pm
I talked to Bernieh, he said he'd fix it if all are willing.
I.e we could start league 2 over.
The problem is this;
1) Mr. Reglator got bumped from the league.
2) He is rightly P*&&ed/ not pleased
3) We need to get him back in a new league, but to do this, all must be a party to the agreement. First and foremost, Mr. Regulator
4) Some are upset that the league started too soon.
5) Millercorps has to hang fire untill we figure this out.
There are at least two of us who are willing to give up our slots to Mr. Regulator, myself included, however, I think the best solution is to stick with the original 12.
That means Millercorps is going to get the shaft; which blows.
Miller- if you feel strongly about staying either I or another manager will take the hit and you can stay.
BEFORE we do anything we need to contact Mr. Regulator.
I need someone to PM Mr Regulator. I'm having probs getting ahold of him.
If he wants in we need to work together to make it happen.
Millercorps, I hate to treat you like the b@$tard child at the family reunion, but I've got a pissed off manger who deserves a shot to get back in.
If Mr. Regulator has decided he's done with our shinanigans, then Millercorps- you're in.
Their are other scenarios, but this one I think is the best case.
Nows the time to wiegh in.
Wed Sep 06, 2006 5:22 pm
by genegrid
Just remove Cuban missiles from the league(me). I will have no hard feelings as I was only to be a first month replacement anyway. No need to penalize Millercorps as I was the one who originally reached out for him anyway.
Please remove my team and I have plenty of upcoming themes where I can use the credit.
Hope this helps.
Wed Sep 06, 2006 5:33 pm
I can also remove my team if needed. When one of the managers said he wasn't participating in September's theme, some of us took it upon ourselves to find a quick replacement because the league was to be built by this weekend and we were a guy short. Millercorps immediately jumped to the rescue. Apparently it was too fast, because the other manager changed his mind and built his team along with Millercorps and Mr. Regulator got shafted.
Since I was the one that gave Millercorps the league requirements to build his team, I could drop my team as well for September. I have 26 teams going right now. I'm not going to be bored if I don't participate for this month.
Wed Sep 06, 2006 6:34 pm
by thurm the burm
I'd reach out to Mr Regulator. He should be alerted. I would want back in considering the first season. If he still feels jilted let everything lie and welcome Millercorp. But Mr Regulator should certainly have first crack.
BTW I sent an offer to the manager of set #10.
Wed Sep 06, 2006 6:50 pm
by Mr Regulator
I still would like a spot in the league...But really no big deal. I dont want to see anybody have to drop out of the league.....I am not upset 8).. I would like to see the seasons start about every 81 games, Though....
Wed Sep 06, 2006 7:17 pm
by Millercorps
I would more than happily give up team set #11. I figured I did Mr. Regulator a favor by taking that set off his hands ;)
Seriously though, I thought set 12 was good but having to go to set 11 is just painful :)
If Bernie can fix this and give me back my credit than please treat me like the red-headed bastard step child :D and give me the right boot of fellowship.
But if I have to stay then I'll stay with set 11 but my feelings would not be hurt at all if Mr. Regulator got his spot back.
Wed Sep 06, 2006 7:18 pm
by Proverbial Psalms
Genegrid has volunteered, and he was originally a short-term replacement, so that makes sense to me. (No hard feelings genegrid, I'm just acknoledging your own voluntary position).
It seems Mr. Regulator wants in (and I agree he should).
So the... is it Mr. Reg in, gengrid out?
But first...
I'd like anyone who KNOWS or STRONGLY BELIEVES they will not stay for the bulk of the 12 seasons to speak now... I'd hate to see us almost "force" someone out now only to see someone or more drop in a season or so. Does that apply to anyone? We'll still be flexible as the need for someone to drop out, it'll be OK, but if anyone knows now that they will, to please speak up. I for one, will stay for all 12 (and hope to recycle back thru!)
I do appreciate everyone's graciousness in willing to fix this, there's a lot of stand-up people in this league... I wish we could expand to 13 teams!!
Wed Sep 06, 2006 7:19 pm
by mridge01
I too would be okay with bowing out as I initially declined season two. My decision was mostly based on the timing, as I changed my mind at the urging of Fluffy and the understanding that there was no hurry. After that, I clearly stated my intent to join and that my team would be in by today. I enjoy the theme and kind of want to see how my set turns out. Mostly I feel the original players should have first rights, but will live with Fluffyman's decision.
But in fairness to everyone, I'm not going to be able to commit to all 12 seasons.
Miller corps, you are correct about set 11. That is the set I have in the current league and it blows.