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'Exploring the ATG III Sub-Sets' League - Important Poll

PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 8:53 pm
by ArrylT
Before we move to Round III - please vote on one of the following options - thanks!

Limiting FA Pool refers to the following:

Limiting the last team to pick in Round III to a maximum of 3 players 1.00m and over and a maximum of 5 players 0.99 or below.

Owner would still be able to rotate players in/out of roster, but could only have up to those maximums on roster at any time - meaning 16+ players must be from teams drafted in Rounds I-II.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 9:02 pm
by ArrylT
Note 1: This of course excludes players acquired via trade.

Note 2: If you agree with any of the following options, but ONLY for following seasons - please say so on this thread - thanks!

PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 9:04 pm
by FAaron
For this round, I vote to keep things "as is" as this may have influenced some team picks for rounds 1 and 2 (I know it had a bearing on my thinking since I have the 3rd pick in Round III, and felt a decent Round III team would land in my lap). For subsequent rounds, I think random with a limited FA pool would be the most equitable solution.