Franchise Expansion Team Draft

Franchise Expansion Team Draft

Postby FRANKMANSUETO » Sun Nov 07, 2010 6:14 pm

The league rules:
$125 million
5/10/20% drops
EXP teams ONLY
Unique Stadiums based on EXP teams parks.
3 round draft: 1st round is your EXP team draft
2nd/3rd rounds: ANY EXP player from an undrafted franchise that has/had ay least 1 AB or 1 IP for your franchise.

*When 2 or more teams that a player is carded to is drafted they battle it out for him based on your draft list.
*A players BEST seaon can be used. EX: Both the Cards and A's are chosen. Then McGwire is up for grabs. If the A's get him his St. Louis card can be used by the A's.
Another EX: Roy Halladay is carded to Toronto. No one picks Toronto but the Phillies are, then he can be drafted by them.

Sign-up List:
1. Frank M
2. Visick(Confirmed)
3. andycummings65
4. bontomn (see note below)
5. nymets99
6. PotKettleBlack
7. Dukie98
8. Modmark
9. Jamesgang77
10. carr20
11. thaibill
12. buster j ratt

Randomizer Run:
Job Status:

Set #1:

10, 12, 9, 3, 1, 7, 8, 2, 5, 11, 4, 6
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Postby FRANKMANSUETO » Sun Nov 07, 2010 6:23 pm

Draft Order:

Rd.1(Team Draft)
1. carr20
2. buster j ratt
3. Jamesgang77
4. andycummings65
5. Frank M
6. Dukie98
7. Modmark
8. Visick
9. nymets99
10. thaibill
11. bontomn
12. PotKettleBlack

Rd. 2(Player Draft)
12. PotKettleBlack
11. bontomn
10. thaibill
9. nymets99
8. Visick
7. Modmark
6. Dukie98
5. Frank M
4. andycummings65
3. Jamesgang77
2. buster j ratt
1. carr20

Rd. 3(Player Draft)
1. carr20
2. buster j ratt
3. Jamesgang77
4. andycummings65
5. Frank M
6. Dukie98
7. Modmark
8. Visick
9. nymets99
10. thaibill
11. bontomn
12. PotKettleBlack
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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Re: Franchise Expansion Team Draft

Postby thaibill » Sun Nov 07, 2010 8:05 pm

[quote:e0e66803dd="Frank M"]The league rules:

Another EX: Roy Halladay is carded to Toronto. No one picks Toronto but the Phillies are, then he can be drafted by them. [/quote:e0e66803dd]

In this instance it appears to me that no one but the Phillies can pick up Halladay, right? He would become one of the very few protected players. This two round draft appears to be either protecting or stealing a couple of players - then it's a free for all.

I can see a huge disparity with only a very few teams able to make the 125m mark.
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Postby FRANKMANSUETO » Sun Nov 07, 2010 8:22 pm

Thaibill, if no one picks the Phillies or Blue Jays then Halladay CAN NOT be picked up. A player is eligible to a franchise as long as he had 1AB or 1IP. How would one steal a player? Players that are eligible to be drafted only can come from undrafted teams and they would have had to played for your drafted team. If that is protecting a player then yes, its why we are having a 2 round player draft.
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Postby thaibill » Sun Nov 07, 2010 8:51 pm

[quote:948d3da38c="Frank M"]Thaibill, if no one picks the Phillies or Blue Jays then Halladay CAN NOT be picked up.[/quote:948d3da38c]

Frank, your example was Phillies in and Blue Jays out. I understand that if no one takes Kansas City, Brett is off limits.

[quote:948d3da38c]Players that are eligible to be drafted only can come from undrafted teams and they would have had to played for your drafted team. If that is protecting a player then yes, its why we are having a 2 round player draft.[/quote:948d3da38c]

Sorry, but I must be slow today, Frank. This sounds to me that if the Pirates and Giants are both taken, Bonds cannot be "protected" by one or the other in the 2-round draft and those two teams will have to take their chances in the auto-draft? Are we on the same page?
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Postby FRANKMANSUETO » Sun Nov 07, 2010 9:36 pm

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Postby buster j ratt » Sun Nov 07, 2010 10:05 pm

Open Proxy---

I will stay in my home state whatever since I am #2

1st choice----Houston Astros
2nd--Texas Rangers

I won't be back until tomorrow nite
buster j ratt
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Postby carr20 » Sun Nov 07, 2010 10:35 pm

Sorry guys...just got home from Eagles game...which obviously leads to my first pick....

I will take the Phillies and let the powerhouses for the rest of you guys.
Last edited by carr20 on Sun Nov 07, 2010 11:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby carr20 » Sun Nov 07, 2010 10:48 pm

Another rules question/problem comment:

Per the rules, one can only draft someone from an undrafted team in rounds 2 and 3.

Under that scenario, assume that someone takes the Red Sox. They can draft/protect Pedro in rounds 2 and 3 by picking his Expo card, correct? Otherwise, the Phillies or the Mets could draft him from Montreal (assuming no one picks Expos) which would be totally unfair to Red Sox owner if the Sox owner were not accorded the same right.
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Postby carr20 » Sun Nov 07, 2010 10:50 pm

Rd.1(Team Draft)
1. carr20 - Phillies
2. buster j ratt - Astros
3. Jamesgang77
4. andycummings65
5. Frank M
6. Dukie98
7. Modmark
8. Visick
9. nymets99
10. thaibill
11. bontomn
12. PotKettleBlack

Rd. 2(Player Draft)
12. PotKettleBlack
11. bontomn
10. thaibill
9. nymets99
8. Visick
7. Modmark
6. Dukie98
5. Frank M
4. andycummings65
3. Jamesgang77
2. buster j ratt
1. carr20

Rd. 3(Player Draft)
1. carr20 - Phillies
2. buster j ratt - Astros
3. Jamesgang77
4. andycummings65
5. Frank M
6. Dukie98
7. Modmark
8. Visick
9. nymets99
10. thaibill
11. bontomn
12. PotKettleBlack
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm


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