Driver list
Will post draft order SUNDAY NIGHT (after the Sapranos). Draft to start Monday - no clock until AFTER round # 1.
Bigmahon is our UK affilliate and Dave / Kev are out WEST COAST USA contigent so please let us know if / what clock is pratical for you guys.
It's only 10 live rounds (yes, includes stadium) so maybe w/ proxies we can bang this out.
From experience, round # 1 will take a while but then we start rolling.
1 - bigmahon - Sadler
2 - JAMIE399 - Stewart
3 - Disco Dave - Edwards
4 - Cubit - Jarrett
5 - Coffee - Kurt Bush
6 - Sam "Cotton" Schwalb - Nemecheck
7 - CharlieM2 - Biffle
8 - casmith528 - McMurray
9 - Kev - Marlin
10- toshiro - Martin
11- brad0007 - Yelley
12- pacoboy (AP) - Kenseth