where does the 1.83 come from in the formula?, I'll be trying it with some of my teams now and find the P-Record...fun stuff! thanks.
As far as the formula for calculating OAVG, yep...it has proven to be quite a challenge and there are always numbers that throw the accuracy off, especially number that come from starts in visiting ballparks, however through the course of an entire season these numbers are starting to show some consistency where the differences can be attributed to home BP ratings.
Now I am quite the newbie here, I have only played 10 teams, only 4 have finished their seasons, I started toying with this formula for my 3rd team and since then my pitching has been fairly O.K...most importantly I am gathering data to help me decifer this formula. I understand that even with the most accurate and complex formula there will always be an aleatory factor that will have to be considered (such is the nature of the game) but my reasoning is that if I can get to a point where I can generate some numbers vs. L/R hitters and have an idea of how much will the BP rating will affect then it will be easier for me to find the best bargains, the best fits given Home stadium and divisional ballparks and lineups, know when a pitcher is struggling and why, wheather it is due to visiting BPR, opp. lineups, roll of the dice...obviously once I gather the OAVG then I still have to refer to the card to see the nature of the hits...
So far I am finding numbers within a small and acceptable margin of error, some odd number jumps out of nowhere and throws everything off every now and then, but the differences can be easily tracked to BP ratings HOWEVER I am and have been playing with fairly similar good solid defenses to get some statstical consistency, and here is where I need help.: I am not so familiar in Strat as some of you guys are so I want to run these numbers by someone whom I am sure will just glance at them and point out something I am missing.
Anyway..maybe I should just continue running numbers and once I feel more comfy and find even more statsical consistency write it up in a post.
Thanks for the Pythagorean explanation Luckyman. As always, all best of luck.