by childsmwc » Mon Jul 28, 2008 12:17 am
Everything maligned has laid out is true. Let me try to reverse engineer this:
A good linear model takes a set of relevant events (singles, hr's, BB's, outs, SB, DP, etc.) and by assigning appropriate values to each event accurately estimates the runs a team will score. Once you have a formula that estimates runs a team scores, you can now apply that formula to each individual on the team, to find their individual contributions. The sum of the individual parts, will total back to the team total.
Now that we have a good RC value that works in this context, we apply it to the expected results from a SOM card over a predetermined number of plate appearances (lets assume 700 on average for a typical season). The result is some positive (and in some rare cases negative) result that represents the number of runs this individual would add to your team over 700 PA's. So we apply this to the entire set and we identify the 9 guys we want.
So to estimate how many runs my team will score I just add up the run value for those 9 players right? Well not exactly because the run value you determined for the individual was over 700 PA's, so your team total now assumes 6,300 PA's. But in a team context it is not PA's that are important but outs, so if that group commits more than 4,374 outs (assume all 9 inning games x 162 game) in those 6.300 PA's, then we have a problem. Our individual RC value that we computed is over stated because we will not get the 6,300 PA's that we have assumed. This overstatement is the cost of outs represented by the NERP maligned was identifying.
On the flip side a team of Ted. Williams might only commit 4,000 outs so adding up 6,300 PA's for that team would understate the runs they will score, because they are going to get more PA's than 6,300 again this represents the NERP of OBP over the average.
NERP bridges the gap between taking the individuals out of their team context. NERP is designed to say the moment I take an average player off of a team and insert T. Williams for 700 PA's, the value of all the remaining Joe's on the team goes up because now they are getting another 10 PA's because T. Williams joined the line up and didn't make as many outs as the guy he replaced.
The linear RC value is still correct, however, Joe's RC value goes up on the same team, because T. Willams creates more events (i.e. PA's) in a team context, because he doesn't consume outs.
The linear RC formula already correctly values the cost/benefit for each event, however, when estimating the value of a player you have to feed in accurate plate appearance data for the end results to be correct. Once you add a player with an OBP above the team average, you have changed this PA dynamic (your input) for everyone else on the team and a new RC value would need to be completed for each.
However, we can short cut this by simply determining that for every average PA, X additional runs (or a fraction of a run as the case really is) are scored. So any hitter that generates fewer outs than the average (I use outs, because DP and CS impact this computation not just OBP) generates additional PA's for his team, the value of which, if it is an average team is X additional runs times additional PA's.
No matter how accurate a linear RC model you have, it is worthless without the correct input. NERP is actually a team input concept. It does not change or challenge the values assigned to any event, it simply says that you may have more or less events than you originally estimated based on the number of outs this individual is estimated to consume and then attempts to value this change in events.
The value of this change in events, should adjust the final value for an individual card.