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Catcher's T-Rating and Usage

Wed Feb 07, 2007 9:16 pm
by fredpaii
Doesn't it (t-rating) only come into play if the stolen base attempt was successful? And not until then?

Fri Feb 09, 2007 1:28 am
by Mean Dean

Sat Feb 10, 2007 3:28 am
by fredpaii
thank you

Thu Feb 22, 2007 7:48 pm
by joethejet
More specifically the T-rating only comes into play when you roll 1-3. It does NOT come into play on every successful steal.

Sat Feb 24, 2007 8:23 am
by Mean Dean
Technically you're right, but realistically, no one is ever going to steal on a 10% or less shot :) So every time the 1-3 is rolled, it's going to be potentially adding a base onto an already successful steal.
Edit: I guess you might be forced to steal at such a low success rate on a botched H&R. That'd be the only situation I can see actually coming up where there would be a throwing error on a steal that would otherwise be unsuccessful.

Wed Feb 28, 2007 12:50 am
by joethejet
Sorry, actually my point wasn't that so much, but that there isn't a chance on EVERY successful steal, ONLY on steals where you roll a 1-3. I'm not sure *what* the deal is if you roll a 3 and the guy is safe 1-2! :?

Sat Mar 03, 2007 2:27 pm
by Mean Dean
Well, you're right that it doesn't say to itself "the steal is successful, so let's see if there was a throwing error"; it determines both the result of the steal and the possible throwing error at the same time. However, because of the way it does it (as you say, possible error on a 1-3... which will virtually always be a successful steal), there end up only being errors on steal attempts that would otherwise have been successful, unless something went really wrong and you're stealing on some crazily low percentage. I guess it's just semantics.

Sat Mar 03, 2007 3:33 pm
by jaxxr
Hi, I'm kind of new, first season, would like to ask.....
The T rates are better if low, the lower the better, on both throwing error possibility and passed ball possibility... correct ?
How/where/when does the arm rate come into play ?
In general, which catcher has the better defense..
1(-2) 8, or 2(-4) 8 ?
Is the T rate more important than the overall defensive rate as in regards to preventing successful steals ?
Thanks for any help.

Sun Mar 04, 2007 12:43 pm
by Mean Dean
[quote:f060a0b071]The T rates are better if low, the lower the better, on both throwing error possibility and passed ball possibility... correct ? [/quote:f060a0b071]
[quote:f060a0b071]How/where/when does the arm rate come into play ?[/quote:f060a0b071]
Whenever there is a steal attempt. Each "point" of arm is worth 5% to a steal attempt (e.g., if the catcher's arm is -2, the chance of the steal succeeding is 10% less; if it's +2, 10% more. Of course, this doesn't apply to steals of home ;-)
[quote:f060a0b071]In general, which catcher has the better defense..
1(-2) 8, or 2(-4) 8 ?[/quote:f060a0b071]
The latter. Catchers' range only comes into play in very specific situations ("blocking the plate," or preventing passed balls on certain relatively rare rolls.) Arm comes into play every time there is a basestealer on base.
[quote:f060a0b071]Is the T rate more important than the overall defensive rate as in regards to preventing successful steals ?[/quote:f060a0b071]
If it's within a normal range, it's not as important as the arm rating. If it's exceptionally bad, that can be a different story. To take the most extreme example, if it's T-20, then every time you're throwing for a guy, there's a 15% chance of an error. That kind of defeats the purpose of trying to throw people out in the first place.