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Hanley Ramirez??

PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 10:02 pm
by qicmic
Has anyone used Hanley Ramirez for SS? All the good defensive SS have been taken and I'm wondering if anyone has used Hanley?

I'm on the fence on whether to use him or M. Young?

PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2007 6:22 am
by LMBombers
I used Ramirez once and decide to never use him again. I had him on a team in a two team theme. I had the Marlins and A's.

I started the season using him full time of course. Since he was aniemic vs RHP I ended up using Crosby who was better on defense and hit RHP much better than Ramirez. Hanley has to hit .300 with a little pop to compensate for his defense at such an important position.

I haven't used M Young yet but I would take him over Ramirez at this point.

PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2007 10:36 am
by qicmic
Thanks Bombers,

That's exactly the info I was looking for

PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2007 11:47 am
by UrbanShockers
I was stuck in a similar situation, and gave him a try:

He's killing LHP, but I haven't faced enough of it for him to be worth the defensive cost, I think.

PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2007 3:11 pm
by drew6013
To have a 3 range and 28 errors from a SS I'd think you'd need a .900 OPS to make it worth while. I've seen him used in a couple a of leagues and he's putting up closer to 750 ops on avg. Not worth putting in the lineup imo.

PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2007 3:49 am
by cummings2
I got stuck with him after a terrible draft in this team:

Problem I have is the defense at 3. I am paying for some defense even though I am playing his as a DH but of the ransacked FA options I had to choose from he was my better choice, or so I felt. I'm not ga-ga over his numbers but not too bad IMO.


PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2007 6:38 am
by LMBombers
C2, I can't believe he is hitting RHP for a higher BA than LHP for you. If you can get him to hit .294 (like he is doing now for you) vs RHP he starts to become a more viable option. I hope he keeps it going for your team!

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 10:47 pm
by Jeepdriver
C2, was wondering if that team won the championship? :wink:

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:10 pm
by cummings2

Nah... ran against a manager prompt to plunking my guys in the finals :wink: