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how does HAL use "set-up" RPs?...

PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 3:31 pm
by bomp helium

How does HAL handle a "set-up" reliever? this the first guy out of the bullpen in a non-mop-up situation, or does HAL really wait until the 6th or 7th inning (with the lead) to use the guy?...

I'm looking to maixmize the IP for 2004 Lidge. Right now he's set as a Super Reliever (set-up and close both ways), but I'm wondering if I pick up Baez to close, and leave Lidge as set-up. will he also get the early innings...or just the official "set-up" innings?

Or would i be better served leaving "set-up" blank?...will that guarantee Lidge more innings if he's free'd up?...or will that just "free up" HAL to make more crazy decisions?...

any input on this would be appreciated...

thanks in advance...

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 12:20 pm
by Mean Dean
If you're looking to maximize his IP, put him in both roles (and set closer to "normal.")

PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 7:20 pm
by bomp helium
thanks dean...that's what I ended up doing...


PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 8:04 pm
by bomp helium
I've done the super reliever thing many times, and it works great. But I'm assuming "set-up" and "closer" roles means that you are tied or have the lead and then that pitcher goes in. But I want my guy (2004 Lidge in this case), to ALSO enter the game when I'm behind by a run or two (since my teams are slugger-heavy). He's simply my best pitcher. So I was just thinking how to maximize his innings pitched overall, and not just when I have the lead in a set-up or save situation.

Yes, HAL is clinically insane. It may give you comfort to know that the same artificial intelligence also controls our nuclear weapons. What if HAL brings in a nuke at the wrong time? I wonder what the "manager settings" are for nuclear war?

Sorry. Completely unrelated. That's what I get for watching "Dr. Strangelove" again last night.

Thanks for the input. The mystery continues.