Pitching and Defense

Pitching and Defense

Postby scottie14 » Fri Sep 26, 2008 12:45 pm

Is it OK to have some lesser defense with a good sp?

I am in a two-team league. I have Cubs and D'Backs. I picked up Wilson for SS in supp draft. Wilson is a 4L and is not doing well against righties.

I substituted DeRosa and Fontenot for Wilson and Hudson against righties. I do have DeRosa and Hudson as defensive replacements.

Here is my team, any thoughts or lineup suggestions would be appreciated.

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Postby PotKettleBlack » Fri Sep 26, 2008 12:55 pm

Something quick here.
All GBX and FBX rolls are the same. So, in terms of range, all pitchers are helped/hurt equally by good/bad range. In terms of errors, I dunno about the quality of the pitcher, so much as the style. GB/FB is, according to the SABRmetricians out there one of the core measures of pitcher success over time, in real world ball. In strat, it would seem that a heavy GB pitcher would benefit from a good infield and suffer from a bad one, while a heavy FB pitcher wouldn't as much (besides the regular, mandatory, same for everyone, GBX rolls).

I guess, the interaction between pitching and defense comes down to GB/FB and where you hide your bad defender.

I'll let someone who knows more elaborate and critique your team. I'm still learning.
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Postby frog17 » Sat Sep 27, 2008 7:27 pm

I think it depends. If you have strong starting pitching that gets a lot of strikeouts the ball will not be going out into the field as much. Theoretically. If you do not, the good pitching won't mean as much because a lot of the outs to the weaker fielders will end up as hits.
My way of thinking is that excellent fielding will bail out mediocre pitching more often than strong pitching bailing out mediocre defense. Plus by spending less on pitching you will be able to afford better hitters with good defense.
I hope that's helpful.
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Postby durantjerry » Sat Sep 27, 2008 9:39 pm

Often it is a neccessity to have poorer defense with good pitching, because you need some offense and can't afford the top offensive players who are good defenders as you spent the $$$ on pitching. In general, it is best to have these poorer defenders play the corner positions, as they are tested less often. Of course, circumstances may dictate otherwise. I know that wasn't much help, but it is a good rule of thumb to follow.
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