by joethejet » Tue Mar 17, 2009 2:11 pm
Diamond Dope is great for the raw data. No doubt.
Of course, it doesn't have the 200n data on it. It also doesn't tell you whether that 4 fielder at SS has a good enough bat to overcome the defense. Nor does it factor in the running ability of the player into their overall worth. You have to do that on your own.
Great tool for raw data and if you have the knowledge and ability to factor in all the different elements.
You also, IMHO, have to be able to be very objective so that your own biases don't come into play. Tough to do for many people I think.
What ever works for you. Like I said, you have to have some system or access to raw data to evaluate these guys. It's too hard to be successful without. At least for me!