Road Warrior

Road Warrior

Postby mightyquinnj » Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:40 pm

Chose to delete the original question, b/c it hadn't any link to it and was too vague. Please excuse my previous dim question that asked for advice on a first baseman. Only 1 response in 125 views told me that I should have posted a better question. :oops: Plese see below for a better inquiry, hopefully.

Last edited by mightyquinnj on Sat Mar 14, 2009 6:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby joethejet » Mon Mar 09, 2009 12:24 am

Gonzalez is a better player, but he's a lot more money too so it's a tough thing to say without knowing the rest of your moves to make this happen.

Davis is the best balanced of the players you mention. If you're facing a fair number of LHSPs then it might worth sticking with him. Also, what kind of OB do you have? Davis is a low OB guy. I guess Votto is also pretty balanced. Doesn't have many BPHRs however. You're paying more money for Davis for the BP HRs. Davis also doesn't have any BP Singles v LHP. Something to consider.

The short and long of it, it's hard to say without knowing the rest of your team and what kind of cap tradeoffs you can make with the different players.

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Postby mightyquinnj » Sat Mar 14, 2009 12:05 pm

Please forgive me for not posting a link to my team. Embarrassed to say that I do not know how to get my link in here. :oops: Anyway, went with Gonzalez, mainly b/c he fit my team and ballpark and got a platoon player to counter his weak side. Not the best situation due to the high $.

As for the Road Warrior teaser, (one of my all-time favorite movies) if I can motify my original query into another question:

Are there any examples of teams that have done much better on the road than at home? Please give examples of teams that have dominated on the road vs. stinkin' it up at home.

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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Wed Mar 18, 2009 11:32 am

You do not need to platoon Gonzalez at 1B. Even though he is a 5R, he will still hit lefties pretty well. Just look at his over all numbers and card. He is not awful against lefties.
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Postby cummings2 » Sat Mar 21, 2009 12:47 am

[quote:3911cd5dea]Please forgive me for not posting a link to my team. Embarrassed to say that I do not know how to get my link in here[/quote:3911cd5dea]

Aaaagh! Might-ee!!! Never be :oops: for a little :? after all no-one's born with all the :idea:

Attsa what we're here for...

Easy stuff MightyQ:

1. Go to the standings page on your league.

2. Right click on your team.

3. Click on "copy shortcut".

4. Come to the board and paste the shortcut/link. You will recognize it being a good one if it has a userid # at the end of the link. Like this:

Would you mind posting the link to your team?

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Postby mightyquinnj » Tue Mar 24, 2009 2:02 pm

Thanks for the help C2, that was easy. And without further ado, appearing for the first time on a message board, my team:

As for the platoon situation with AGonzelez at first, it is on rare occassions that I leave him out of the lineup against lefty starters, due to his glove, HAL's reluctance to put him in at the right time, and b/c I face a couple of lefty SPs that are heavily balanced against righty batters in my division. Although I sometimes put BButler 5e11 (yuck) in when the situation calls for it.

Thanks again for the assistance, C2

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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Tue Mar 24, 2009 9:59 pm

It looks like your team is doing quite well, and you may not need help. Your pitching is very tough. One thing though, you have an awful lot of power in a pitcher's park. The problem with that is a lot of those ballpark HRs, will fall short, and be outs in your park. But with you being 28-17, it looks like you built a pretty good team. There is always good and bad luck involved. Good luck.
Posts: 55
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