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Best parks for "ace" pitching staffs?

PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 5:39 pm
by blsmith7
Let's say you have a rotation of studs - let's say 3 of the top 8 SPs w/* - (specifics don't matter here). What type of park would be best suited to the staff in general? And what would you try to do on offense?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 3:58 am
by cummings2
I'd say some park like Angels stadium or Metrodome. Something that doesn't hurt your offense too much, especially since it's bound to have less budget, but still a park that doesn't work against the pitchers.

Defensively I'd make sure that I don't take my pitching for granted and field a rally bad defensive team thinking that the pitching will make up for it. Defensively, stay strong up the middle, you can afford 3s in the OF and in the corners. Stay low on errors. If you have a good closer to go with your Stud rotation, don't be afraid to small ball. Whatever hitters you have left that fit some of the above, field them like you would with any other LU and...well, hope for the best.

In my experience extreme budget allocation in Pitching leaves you with teams that are delicate to balance. Good luck Smitty.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:18 pm
by durantjerry
I'd go Petco with a cheap closer(Graves), one or two midrange or lower setups and get some Petco guys like Castillo, Kendall, Irod, a good defensive SS, a few run producers(depending on opponents) and bargains like B Clark.