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Need help with Fenway roster!

PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 12:55 am
by DavidRis
can someone help me out with some advice for a fenway team? What kind of pichers would do well? any suggestions? Hitters??
Thanks! (I love the park but never see it in my strat play)

PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 8:16 am
by visick
When playing in Fenway, you need hitters that are good overall hitters. I usually look for guys that hit alot of doubles, and good OB.

It's not a park made for lefty power hitters though. It's made for righty power guys.

Pitching wise, look for pitchers that do not give up BP singles. Look also for guys that are good vs. righties.

Got it!

PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 8:16 am
by DavidRis
here we go!
