Coors again!!!!

Coors again!!!!

Postby RAULSILVA » Sat Aug 05, 2006 11:56 am

I am looking for a good dh for a coors team, i miss thomas in draft. In the 3 mm range any sugestion?. I also need a good relive p to help heilman and dempster in bulpen in the 2,5 mm range, I like s torres but i also miss him in draft.

I´m playing in a division that have 2 jacobs and one safco with my coors made team, any special consideration about that??.


Raul Silva
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Postby durantjerry » Sat Aug 05, 2006 4:08 pm

Garrett Anderson might work as a LH platoon with someone. He would help in safeco vs lhp's, has some pop for Coors but won't be totally rendered useless in the pitching parks. You could platoon him with Harris or the like.
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Postby 1crazycanuk » Sun Aug 06, 2006 8:34 am

Craig Wilson or Matt Stairs would do very well in Coors. At least...they did for me.
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Postby RAULSILVA » Sun Aug 06, 2006 5:20 pm

This is the team after wavers, i´m worried about 2 things

1) playing cantu on 2b, since he is a 4, but i think he can give some realy good ofensive numbers.

2) having 4 lh sp I wish i could get lakey but wasen´t posible.

I can get rid of l noha and find 2 chepper rh pitchers but playing in coors the sp don´t usualy get to far in the game and i thjink my bulpen is solid.

Wath do you say?
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Postby bomp helium » Sun Aug 06, 2006 6:21 pm

hey raul:

I'm in your league, but not in your I've been studying the rosters...

Cantu WILL hurt you...he's not just a four, but a 4e19...along with your 4e23 at 3b that spells a lot of trouble...

The team that has Lackey might be open to a trade...they have too many SPs and no apparent DH...I'm sure you can at least offer a trade...

both your starters and RP are set up to face lefties...that will work well against my team but few others...there are currently 60 RH hitters over $2 million and 29 LH hitters over $2 million in our league (not counting my own PNC team, which is loaded with switch hitters) would help you to get at least one RH SP...

Cordero (available on waivers) would also help out your bullpen...

I would suggest offering a trade, featuring Cantu from your end and Lackey from his...and then find a better defensive 2B...

it's an interesting league...mostly balanced pitching parks with one Coors, one Cell and no Minute Maids...if it were a league full of hitters parks I'd say go with sluggers, but in this league defense will be important...

good luck to you...
bomp helium
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good move...

Postby bomp helium » Sun Aug 06, 2006 8:07 pm

Utley will do really well...I had him once with Ortiz and Delgado and he outperformed both...
bomp helium
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Postby RAULSILVA » Sun Aug 06, 2006 9:31 pm

Don´t help me i will have no mercy!!!! jejej tank´s man i realy don´t like jeter any way, rollins don´t kill me either , but i think that move will help a lot, Maybe my pitching is a little weak but i think they will have a nice run support.


Nice team you have too

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