First Base help

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First Base help

Postby DosCarlos » Sun Aug 06, 2006 11:46 am

I'm sixty games through a season using Royals Stadium as my home park, and I contemplating a change at first base. I started the season playing Darrell Evans every day, but he was getting crushed against lefties, so I picked up Mazzilli to platoon. Evans, against righties, is .242/.424/.346 in 132 AB; Mazilli, in much more limited play, is .250/.450/.400 in 20 AB against lefties. I'm wondering if I should stick with the platoon or make a change. Some of the firstbasemen available:
Glenn Davis; Lowenstein; Joyner; Brunansky; Cliff Johnson; Ken Phelps; Bonilla; Garvey; Oliver; Jason Thompson.
Info on my team: I'm 34-26, one game out of the division lead. I have about 1.5 mil in reserve. I don't have any other platoons going right now, and my lineup, besides 1B, has 5 righties and 3 switch-hitters.
This is my first time playing since a season shortly after BTT80's started, and I'm having a blast. Thanks for any help you can offer.
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Postby YountFan » Sun Aug 06, 2006 12:00 pm

I'd stick with the platoon. Only Davis (maybe Bonilla) are Royals type players. The OBA on the platoon is good, so stick with it. You are only one game out. "It it ain't broke...don't fix it."
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Postby LMBombers » Sun Aug 06, 2006 12:49 pm

Yountfan is more experienced than I but I'm not sure why he would reccomend power guys like Davis and Bonilla for Royals. I think Oliver or Joyner would be best out of that group.

Like I said, I would go with what YF says over me. :?
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Postby YountFan » Sun Aug 06, 2006 2:05 pm

[quote:7c0229c451="LMBombers"]Yountfan is more experienced than I but I'm not sure why he would reccomend power guys like Davis and Bonilla for Royals. I think Oliver or Joyner would be best out of that group.

Like I said, I would go with what YF says over me. :?[/quote:7c0229c451]
I didn't see them in the list, but Oliver has no power at a power position and Joyner is a great Royals player. I would consider moving Evan for Joyner. You get better D and most likely the same hitting vs RHP (but then maybe not)
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Postby Panzer ace » Sun Aug 06, 2006 2:39 pm

It could depend on the other ballparks. If you have a few HR parks in the league, Evans could be a big help on the road. If you have mostly pitchers parks, switching to Joyner would make sense.
Panzer ace
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Postby honestiago1 » Sun Aug 06, 2006 2:56 pm

It should be noted that ALL parks other than the Astrodome are a big advantage to G. Davis (though Royals won't help his power much).
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Postby FletchGriswold » Sun Aug 06, 2006 3:04 pm

I would take Oliver in a heartbeat - he's a great fit for Royals Stadium. Any production from 1B is better than no production. Just find some power from another position - don't feel you HAVE TO find power from your 1B position. Garvey wouldn't be a bad choice, either. If you get one of his two better years, he'll hit well in Royals and the good "D" to go with it.
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Postby DosCarlos » Sun Aug 06, 2006 6:16 pm

[quote:cfa4a1480c]It could depend on the other ballparks. If you have a few HR parks in the league, Evans could be a big help on the road. If you have mostly pitchers parks, switching to Joyner would make sense.[/quote:cfa4a1480c]
There's a little of everything. As far as homerun parks go, there's a Wrigley in my division, and 2 Riverfronts, a Jack Murphy, and an Arlington elsewhere. In my division there is another Royals Stadium and a Cleveland Stadium. The other parks include two Fenways, a Coliseum and Dodger Stadium.
The main player I was thinking about was Davis, as I only have one big power bat in my line-up right now (although that bat happens to be Schmidt). Joyner and Oliver are interesting too, as they would keep a lefty bat in my line-up. I seem to need more help against righties right now. But as YountFan said, the OBP is still strong for both of my firstbaggers, and Evans actually has more homeruns at home than on the road, so I might be better suited spending my money elsewhere. One more question: if I were to take any of the firstbasemen above, would you reccommend platooning them? One of the positives regarding Davis was that it looked like at least three of his seasons were close to even between lefties and righies. Anyway, thanks for all of your advice.
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Postby rutkap » Sun Aug 06, 2006 9:53 pm

post your roster please...
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Postby Semper Gumby » Mon Aug 07, 2006 6:51 pm

[b:0363a5590c]Cheap[/b:0363a5590c] option: Al "Scoop" Oliver

[b:0363a5590c]Expensive[/b:0363a5590c] but Durable option: Wally "World" Joyner

Risk and [b:0363a5590c]Opportunity[/b:0363a5590c]: Jason "Friday 13" Thompson
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