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Postby CHADGUMM » Tue Oct 11, 2005 1:13 pm

I checked the cards I had from the last season. No wonder why I ended up in last place.

Hopefully this next year I'll get some better cards. Yeesh!
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Postby albert2b » Tue Oct 11, 2005 1:22 pm

I'm here. I was never away. Big Alric is the one who's out. Oct. 21 is his return date, I think.
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Postby albert2b » Tue Oct 11, 2005 2:02 pm

Holy crap :shock: I thought for sure I had the best Pastore and Comer cards last year. Turns out, neither of them had their best cards!

I also had Mike Hargrove's best card in 1982....but he was rotting on my bench for most of the year :( :x I figured since he hit .194 for IM's Breakers that year and was eventually cut by him, that there was no way he had a good card. Man, was that a costly oversight. Ended up missing the playoffs by one game that year.
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Postby Hakmusic » Tue Oct 11, 2005 2:07 pm

sorry Albert, my confusion. I think the reveals are very cool, except I wish they came during the playoffs so I could check out guys on the FA wire, and see how many of the pitchers who got dumped after 3 or less strats actually had good cards (I bet a lot).

What I've seen by looking at my cards, is that there is not a lot of correlation (not nearly as much as I expected) between the cards and the stats. That and I had all bad pitching cards last year (that wasn't a big surprise).

JHJohnson's worst card pitched better for me than Pascal Perez's middle card. go figure.
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Postby BC Manager » Tue Oct 11, 2005 2:48 pm

Wow. Did I ever have better cards than I thought. Bad rolls and bad fits.

Hak, you can view the FA pages for a completed league. I'll explain how, before 84 starts. Having done so, I found out there's no reveals on the players in the FA pool.

BigAlric is due back Oct. 20. Draft will probably resume on the 20th or 21st.
BC Manager
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Postby T.Richardson » Fri Oct 14, 2005 3:11 pm

Sykes, BC, Sorry for the lack of response. I have been swamped at work and the Tech guys at work just got my home comp. where it can access the boards again.

Sykes how about Howe for Barfield? BC, I may do it for Evans if this doesn't go through.
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Postby Sykes25 » Sat Oct 15, 2005 11:52 am

Not interested in moving Howe. He is a decade long RP which is more value than any RF not named Winfield.
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Postby BC Manager » Sat Oct 15, 2005 5:28 pm

Do we have a deal, T.Rich?
BC Manager
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Postby albert2b » Sat Oct 15, 2005 7:40 pm

[quote:aca4708404]He is a decade long RP which is more value than any RF not named Winfield.[/quote:aca4708404]

Whoa, I was just gonna post that Ron Cey is available from my team for any interested parties....but then I see this line from Sykes. Let's just say I respectfully disagree with you there, buddy :wink: :lol:

BTW, looking for 2B, LF, or lefty DH help in return for Cey. I'd also consider picks.
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Postby BC Manager » Sat Oct 15, 2005 8:15 pm

Albert, I'm wondering what it would take to get your first round pick? PT me to let me know.

Not sure how much demand there'll be for Cey (none from me).
BC Manager
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