by KEVINEHLE » Sun Aug 27, 2006 9:00 am
The reason I chose the Escalade Snobs as my team was because I noticed the Escalade owners in Scottsdale, AZ were a defiant bunch. They looked down at small SUV owners, like lets say....Jeep Wranglers owners with contempt and disgust. The Black with gold trim and oversized rims on the Escalade was a show of snobbery and arrogance to show the little vehicles you would see on an episode of M*A*S*H that they are just mere peasants and will be squashed down if they dared to challenge them.
Escalade owners and Wrangler owners only co-mingle in certain situations:
A. A Wrangler owner may wash an Escalade
B. A Wrangler owner may park an Escalade at fancy establishments for a pittance of a tip
C. A Wrangler owner may clean an Escalade owner's pool or maybe mow his giant lawn.
Tonight, even though we will be playing at a "blue collar" stadium, the snooty Snobs will enter and give the Jeeps their due respect. However, they will not be eating the stadium hot dogs and drink Schlitz from the refreshment areas.
Kev (the anti-snob....but will will do anything for some "Ws"!! :D