GOLD RUSH II-Live draft 200mil, no dh, frenzy, chat thread//

GOLD RUSH II-Live draft 200mil, no dh, frenzy, chat thread//

Postby dspeters5 » Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:27 pm

[b:5805d2f4a5] GOLD RUSH II 200 million dollar live draft/ procedures

League will use the ATG III Historical Version of SOM Game. 200mm CAP, No D/H, Frenzy

We will slow draft rounds beginning as soon as draft order is settled, I will be using the pick 3 lottery from the evening of Thursday September 7, as soon as we can post the results, the slow draft may begin. I would like to see at least one round or twelve picks made per day during the slo drafting period. Coaches anticipate checking the thread once or twice a day. If your pick is approaching and you know you will be unavailable, please leave your proxy pick with me or one of the other trustworthy coaches. We want the line to keep moving.

League Draft will consist of a slow draft starting Thursday September 7th. I would like a minimum six, max eight rounds) until Friday September 15th(Night of Quick Draft). Stadiums will be picked anytime during the fOURTH ROUND, only in conjunction with a player pick, Quick Draft of six rounds and auto draft the remaining players to fill the roster. ALL TEAMS will enter the league Friday evening the 15th. A frenzy will follow. This will give everyone a chance to trade, barter, steal, cajole, pry players from one team to another. Opening day will be Monday September 18th.

QUICK Draft may be extended if everyone is having fun and commited to knock out a few extra rounds. If after the three hour blitz limit we will poll the coaches to see if they want to do an extra round or two. I must get 100% consensus or we will stop.

There will be no clock during the slo draft(see below) until 7:30 p.m. Eastern Friday, 9/15/06. A three hour clock will only be instituted if we are in danger of not getting six slo draft rounds completed before Friday the 15th of September.

Clock time for the Quick-Pick Draft will be (5) Five Minutes per Selection, If Selection not made we will move on to next selection. Makeup Pick can be made at anytime, but if same player is selected, that player will go to the manager on the clock; no other decision will be made. Please make pick in the allotted time

Again All Teams will join the league on FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 15th before Midnight Eastern, No exceptions as the Objective of this league will be a Friday Live Draft and Saturday nite frenzy and one week trading period.

Your Availability will be required on Friday evening, 9/15 at 7:30 eastern time for the Quick Draft and Frenzy.

League Opening Day will be Monday September 18

I would like to start slow drafting Thursday evening 09/0706

When checking –in please make State Lottery Pick

Stadiums will be UNIQUE and picked during the FOURTH ROUND in conjunction with a player pick, No Duplicate Stadiums

State Lottery Picks will be used to determine Draft Position. Highest (999) to Lowest,(000) ZERO being Low

Divisions Assignments by Draft Positions

EAST: 12 11 10 9

CENTRAL: 8 7 6 5

WEST: 4 3 2 1

Trades of players and picks are allowed; Make sure all trades are posted clearly for all managers to read. Please keep value exchanges equitable and reasonable so as to prevent squabbles and decisions having to be made on allowing the trade.

I know every possible situations is not covered in the rules but any decisions that have to be made will be made as fairly as possible

Lastly everyone is to have fun and may this be one of the best seasons in the ATG Game

Pick Three Lottery States Tie reverts back to the state lottery midday draw or if no
Midday draw then previous nights lottery draw.

New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
South Carolina
West Virginia

copyright Joe OC with permission

Several coaches are away before the fourth, I do not wish to start without these friends. Several of you have had great suggestions, hope this finds you at peace with the world. Please check in and add your state, the chosen nine, I will post your names, copy, paste your state and do your homework now. Coach P

Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby dspeters5 » Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:33 pm

1. Tinley Snipers - Indiana
2. cb3137
3. deepdrive -
4. Coach P(alias dspeters) Ill
6. JW4122 -
7. dadamch -
8. dr. x -
9. srmorgan2
10. ccgjps -
11. lte 9760

Just in Case
Alt. 1. Orlowek
Alt 2.
Posts: 55
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Postby dspeters5 » Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:37 pm

Coaches, check in with lotto state please. If there is a serious issue with attendance please let me know. I gave everyone a chance to check in, everyone wanted to use similar format.

There are two SUBTLE changes; stadium pick will be made only in the fourth round, and we will setup and enter Friday evening. There was so little trading, we did not need a week off. League will start the 18th of September. Again, if anyone has an issue with these dates get back asap. We do have coaches that can help with proxy picks, etc. Again, my cell is 630-202-9593.
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Postby dspeters5 » Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:41 pm

There is a typo error in the rules. Again, I wish to end the quick blitz draft Friday evening and enter that nite. A frenzy will follow and league to start three days later on Monday, September 18th. Disregard the half sentence which contradicts these wishes.
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Postby dspeters5 » Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:46 pm

POLL QUESTION: What is the over or under on the amount of new players taken in the first round of the draft. The number is three players

1. Coach P--under -1, I predict two new players not 3
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Postby dadamch » Tue Aug 29, 2006 2:45 pm

1. Tinley Snipers - Indiana
2. cb3137
3. deepdrive -
4. Coach P(alias dspeters) Ill
6. JW4122 -
7. dadamch - Pennsylvania
8. dr. x -
9. srmorgan2
10. ccgjps -
11. lte 9760
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Postby jw4412 » Tue Aug 29, 2006 4:00 pm

. Tinley Snipers - Indiana
2. cb3137
3. deepdrive -
4. Coach P(alias dspeters) Ill
6. JW4122 - Maryland
7. dadamch - Pennsylvania
8. dr. x -
9. srmorgan2
10. ccgjps -
11. lte 9760
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Postby GARYJEPSON » Tue Aug 29, 2006 4:44 pm

Tinley Snipers - Indiana
2. cb3137
3. deepdrive -
4. Coach P(alias dspeters) Ill
6. JW4122 - Maryland
7. dadamch - Pennsylvania
8. dr. x -
9. srmorgan2
10. ccgjps -
11. lte 9760 - Minnesota
Posts: 55
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Postby JOESWAGER » Tue Aug 29, 2006 6:11 pm

Tinley Snipers - Indiana
2. cb3137
3. deepdrive -
4. Coach P(alias dspeters) Ill
6. JW4122 - Maryland
7. dadamch - Pennsylvania
8. dr. x -
9. srmorgan2
10. ccgjps - Ohio
11. lte 9760 - Minnesota
Posts: 55
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Postby deepdrive » Tue Aug 29, 2006 7:01 pm

1. Tinley Snipers - Indiana
2. cb3137
3. deepdrive - NJ
4. Coach P(alias dspeters) Ill
6. JW4122 - Maryland
7. dadamch - Pennsylvania
8. dr. x -
9. srmorgan2
10. ccgjps - Ohio
11. lte 9760 - Minnesota
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm


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