by LMBombers » Sun Sep 03, 2006 5:41 pm
[quote:bda5de9f16="ArrylT"][b:bda5de9f16]Important Note:[/b:bda5de9f16]
I created a new draft called ThirtySix, rather than keep fighting with the old one (36 teams) or wait for penngray to solve the coding problem.
However this draft [b:bda5de9f16]ONLY HAS 26 Rounds[/b:bda5de9f16], rather than 32 as promised.
We can do 1 of 4 things. When checking in - please post your preference (a, b, c, or d or e).
1a - Do a 6 round draft on the forums to give everyone a farm team, and allow owners some flexibility to alter their team due to ballparks/divisions, etc.
2b - Do a seperate 6 round draft on the draft site
3c - Stick with 26 round and only use that as your team
4d - No preference[/quote:bda5de9f16]
By my count 20 of the 36 people have voted and the current vote count is:
1 for choice A
15 for choice C
4 for choice D (which is no preference)
I think that is consensus enough to make choice C the final answer. I voted for D by the way.
If we use choice C does that mean that we can only use the 26 players we draft or are all undrafted players available as well? If it is 26 players only each player choice will be very important. I am sure that we will have injury prone starting players that you must have decent backups for.
Hopefully Crabby will get to a computer soon and get the draft kicked off. Who will he take? Will it be Tim Stoddard or Hank Greenberg? Probably not. How about Fergie Jenkins or Johnny Vander Meer? Somehow I don't think so...