These scabs are better theme--Full-draft complete

Postby rgimbel » Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:07 am

1. Pelzer - SC
2. LMBombers - FL
3. litangel - WI
4. Ehlekev - ID
5. Terry101-NM
6. Pinhead1987 - KY
7. Doctor_tax - TN
8. rgimbel-nj
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Fri Sep 01, 2006 11:55 am

. Pelzer - SC
2. LMBombers - FL
3. litangel - WI
4. Ehlekev - ID
5. Terry101-NM
6. Pinhead1987 - KY
7. [u:ae4933ce99][b:ae4933ce99]Doctor_tax - TN [/b:ae4933ce99][/u:ae4933ce99]
8. rgimbel-nj

With my "predictions" abilities, I should head to Vegas!!! Does Vegas have "lines" for on-line strato betting? Like Pete Rose, I could bet on baseball (especially on my own team) and prevent myself from making the Strato Hall of Fame! :? :?

However, I could be rich!! :D
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Postby milezd » Fri Sep 01, 2006 4:26 pm

DOH! ;)

1. Pelzer - SC
2. LMBombers - FL
3. litangel - WI
4. Ehlekev - ID
5. Terry101-NM
6. Pinhead1987 - KY
7. Doctor_tax - TN
8. rgimbel-nj
9. [b:a92ae15d86]milezd[/b:a92ae15d86]- me/nh/vt (tri-state loto)
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Postby LARRYLANG » Fri Sep 01, 2006 5:50 pm

[quote:c4dff4b48a="litangel"]I have the desire that we have our draft either very early next week, or preferably wait til the week after, i would love to draft on the 11th or so. The reason is I will be out of town on the 8-10th. And especially in this league, if I am out of town for the end of the waiver period, it will hurt me. Besides by then DocTax will be done with the playoffs and have has full focus for us![/quote:c4dff4b48a]

Hey Kim---Looks like it'll be a while before we are full anyway...........With the holiday weekend it may not fill before monday anyway............I would like to try and get this thing drafted and loaded by next friday..
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Postby kimkrichbaum2 » Fri Sep 01, 2006 7:00 pm

Drafting and loading by next friday is what will NOT work for me. I do not want the waiver period to be over on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday next weekend. Which means we would have to draft and have our teams in by Tuesday at latest if it is to work for me this week. Otherwise, i miss the post waiver period, which in my mind would make the league unplayable. So what I want is for everyone to have their teams in by this Tuesday, or wait til the next week. I would really like to be in this league, but if you need to do it at those times, I would just drop. I looked at a way to get free, but even if I get to a computer, I have business engagements on Saturday and Sunday afternoon (I'm teaching classes to be specific), and would be on the road on that time on Friday. I guess there would be a slim chance I could ask the person driving with me if we could stop in a cyber cafe in Olympia on Friday, but I'd rather not go there.

Hope this can work out.
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Postby LARRYLANG » Fri Sep 01, 2006 7:27 pm

Well we'll just hope for the best that it'll fill this weekend so the waivers thing will be before you go. :D
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Postby LARRYLANG » Sun Sep 03, 2006 6:06 am

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Postby LARRYLANG » Mon Sep 04, 2006 5:08 pm

Come on guys---need 3---------Do we need to cancel this league??? I have a credit burning a hole in my pocket :D :D I need a draft fix :shock:
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Postby DARRENLYONS » Mon Sep 04, 2006 5:28 pm

1. Pelzer - SC
2. LMBombers - FL
3. litangel - WI
4. Ehlekev - ID
5. Terry101-NM
6. Pinhead1987 - KY
7. Doctor_tax - TN
8. rgimbel-nj
9. milezd- me/nh/vt (tri-state loto)
10. Deelyo - VA
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Postby LARRYLANG » Mon Sep 04, 2006 5:33 pm

Cool----2 more and we'll lotto for picks tonite.....High to low for draft picks and div alignment will be:

1-2-11-12 EAST

3-4-10-9 Central

5-6-7-8 WEST
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