by KEVINEHLE » Wed Sep 06, 2006 11:58 am
[quote:3bb6b5fcac="Jeepdriver"]Shoot, I'll cave (only cause it should be an easy credit w/Kev here :wink: ) but this will give me 14 '06 teams currently running :shock:
1. Pelzer - SC
2. LMBombers - FL
3. litangel - WI
4. Ehlekev - ID
5. Terry101-NM
6. Pinhead1987 - KY
7. Doctor_tax - TN
8. rgimbel-nj
9. milezd- me/nh/vt (tri-state loto)
10. Deelyo - VA
11. Jeep - MD (yall took my states, too)
Jeep, I'll go ahead and post an 0-24 record against you again this season so your team will most likely make the playoffs...again!! I'm doing my part!!!!! :x :x When are you going to pass on some of those free credits to me? :evil: I thought we were a team!! I make you look good and you feed me "credit" scraps from time to time. :shock: