by Jeepdriver » Wed Sep 06, 2006 7:59 am
Regarding the PLATOON RULE. Simply take it as written. IOW, don't look for loop-holes, or ways to try and have different platoons on your team but only one plays, that kind of thing.
Here's an example:
Team has Schneider/Pratt as their C platoon. All other 8 positions (incl. DH) must be a F/T regular, with no one on the bench to platoon with that player. Say Pratt gets injured. Unless you drop/trade Pratt that C position remains your one platoon even though Pratt's hurt. See?
Now if you trade or drop Pratt and want the platoon to be a different position, that would be ok. Schneider could now be F/T w/another pos. being the DH.
Lastly, you "can" have a reserve platoon. For example, Polanco is your 2B and he goes down for 15 games. You have Harris/Jimenez on the bench. It would be OK for Harris/Jemenez to platoon while Polanco is injured. But, ONLY while he's injured and only while he remains on your roster of course. If you dropped Polanco for another 2B, then obviously those reserves would still be reserves.
Even though it took a lot of explaining, it's pretty clear cut, this platoon issue.