2 players were picked up that I had never seen played before in 2001
One is Jeff Nelson who at 5.5mil is a bit overpriced as a setup man. Howver, his card looks lights out and with a C3 rating should do quite well as the closer he was rarely used in reality. Of course, I'm the one who picked him up so thats at least what I'm banking on. :idea: 8) :P
The other is John Smoltz. This is the fifth season I've played 2001 since my rookie compaign in January (which was also a 2001 game). Veterans such as JKolak had always advised to stay away since he was overpriced for a recently converted starter who could close. Still, it'll be interesting to see how he does and since I didn't take him I can watch without paying the consequences.
After the disaster that was my last season of 2001, this is already shaping up pretty well but this is the first time for me in a stadium like Miller Park in any Strat game... for left handers its like Coors Field and like Yankee Stadium for RHB's. Hopefully Kile won't tank for me like he did last year.
This league took a long time to finally draft. This represents my last team I purchase for half price back in March. Its the last league that had more than 2 teams in it when I chose back then. I hope this isn't the last horrah for the 2001 game and if it isnt, I'm sure I won't be able to play 5 seasons of it next year like I did this year. Which is a shame because I really like this card set. Oh well, at least I finally was able to pick up Abreu which as a major Yankee fan and a minor Phillies fan is someone who I always wanted to have. :)
Good luck to everyone.